Hi hi, been awhile since I last blogged.. here's the con goods pictures for those who are interested to buy. JE shop photos & Journey Journey CD info are also included.
Con Goods
Tackey and Tsubasa Uchiwa, the other side is the heart shape logo with their names.
Shu shu - it's so bulky to bring back! I have to unfold the plastic box to make space in my luggage! ={
Anyway, the shushu got crystals and the words "Tackey & Tsubasa" (in silver) all over it with silver lining at the rim.
Muffler towel - I like the different color wordings and of cos the heart! <3
Creamy Yellow T-shirt . Front: Heart, Back: OUR FUTURE
Only the shirt tab by the side mention タキ&翼Tour 2011
Pilot Frixion Ball Pen - Black ink
You can erase writing of this pen using the end tip eraser in grey. Sugoi! I used it to write my travel journal as soon as I bought it! XD
We are all talking about how surprising that Johnny-san will co-operate with Pilot to produce such things! LMAO~
Dress sticker
You can use it to stick on your train card, suica card and use the space for your own photo with T&T beside it! <3 Very Eco-idea~ Me likey~
However, not our photo normal size leh~
Tackey & Tsubasa Solo Photo sets
I was just complaining to KR today that Tsubasa looked so old in his photos! With all the wrinkles and eye bags! Seriously, JE need to engage better stylists or photographers!
T&T clear files
JE shop photos
- 2011.5.21 Kabuki 12 photos - 2 is Takki with Yara
- 2011.7.16 Playzone 15 photos
Takki's Kabuki set
Journey Journey - Bokurai no mirai single
Jacket A, B, C & D
I ordered from Mumo and KR from CDJapan but we end up with the same card. Amazon got no bonus card -_-
(1) Mumo, CDJapan and other shops (normal edition-frameless) [I HAVE 2 EXTRA CARDS!]
(2) Tsutaya (blue frame)
(3) Tower Records (yellow frame)
(4) Jacket D kira kira (frameless)
(5) HMV (pink frame)
(6) Shinseido (not sure yet)
Total of 6 different cards. Anyway I have 2 extra of No. (1), anyone wants to exchange pls email me. Thanks.
Y cant they just let us purchase these from different shops instead?! Sigh...
I end up with an extra Jacket C as I cant resist the poster that they gave along with any purchase of any CDs. And it did not have bonus extra jacket.
Tomorrow is the Osaka concert! Hope they perform with success and accident free. Those who are going to Osaka pls clap and cheer louder for those of us who can't attend! Thanks! <3