Title: Heart
Characters: implied Harry/Luna
Word Count: 142
Ratings/Warnings: PG, for blood and the author being very dramatic.
Prompt: Laws of Nature
Team: Thestrals
She thinks everything and nothing of them.
The moral codes, she means. They're all very well and good, she supposes, but they tend to get in the way.
For example, they try and tell her that approaching a man who is surrounded by bodies, his feet overlapped in puddles of too-familiar black cloth, wand hand shaking and dripping suspiciously, was a Very Bad Idea. That under no circumstances should she step in between splayed arms, bare toes spread because the tile of the Dursley's kitchen was slick, and take his hand. Never, ever, should she close her eyes and lean against this man who smells of death and peppermint and Hammurabi's Code, or smile when she feels his cheek against hers, hollow but very warm.
They speak to her in shades of grey, the moral codes do. And she has never liked the way she looked in grey.