Title: Is the Watchword
Characters: Harry (implied Harry/Luna)
Word Count: 100
Ratings/Warnings: G. Fluff. Maybe Disney can use me.
Prompt: Family
Team: Thestrals
Nice neighborhood. Nice Muggle neighbors. Nice house with a white picket fence and a wading pool in the backyard and a lemonade stand in the front. Nice wife. Nice kids. Nice dog. Nice, normal life.
"Hurry up, you toad!" came an angry bellow from the hallway.
Harry poked his head out of the study, one hand at his wand. "Honey?"
"Sirius is having trouble giving me a urine sample," Maddie said, sulkily, retreating away from the bathroom and into Luna's mother's lab. Tickled, Harry followed.
"Darling, why can't you talk on the phone and paint your nails like all the other girls?"
Maddie looked at him.
Oh, right. Normal.