I am so graduated and dad is so Navy-retired. We are so free. Last week was probably the craziest week of my life. Thus far. Everything was insane up till Friday morning. Then it was sad. Aw. The ceremony was so cool and traditional. It was in the VX-20 hanger and they brought in a T-34 and a T-6 ANDDD!!! An S-3 they flew up all the way from Florida. Anyway, we were all in there, and then some people talked and dad made a speech and made us cry and then some fancy guys rang a bell and blew a whistle. Then we (being my family) all walked down this little red carpet and they were all "okee dokee you're not in the navy anymore". Then we ate cake. 6 Hours later I was in a chair screaming and flipping my sexy rainbow tassle to the left. HAHA I put my little Lupin in my hat before the ceremony, and on my way back to my seat after doing the whole shakin' hands getting diploma thing, I took him out and handed him to Jordan. Awwww Little Lupin. I should post a picture of him so you can see he really IS LITTLE LUPIN. My brother found him at a thrift store and gave him to me. Anyway, Jordan was happy.
Then was project grad. That was fun. Swimming was the best, and Sauna Room Confessions with me and Steph. Man. We stayed in the sauna for more than a half hour. I'm suprised we didn't die.
HEY! I CHOPPED MY HAIR OFF!!! It's feathery now. And just past me ears. It's nice for summer. Though my Grandpa thought I was my brother from a distance. He said he was sorry for that comment though, and that it wasn't really true.
So yeah, partied all day saturday, swimming in the bay, getting attacked by crabs, hula fun, weee. Sunday, went to tyson's party, monday, worked, and I JUST registered for my fall classes! woohoo!
I haven't been on LJ for ages, and I feel I am going to be crazy-busy this summer, I will be on when I can (I will make more time for being here after HP comes out) but for now, urrggg busy times. THATS ALL