1. Would you prefer to rescue or be rescued?
Rosamund: ... neither, preferably. If I must choose one, I prefer to rescue. I don't need to appear any more helpless.
Darya: Rescue, of course! Unless it's a staged "Oh no, look at me being all helpless!" sort of being rescued in order to trap someone, in which case I'm up for it.
Nell: Well, rescue. I wouldn't want to put other people to trouble for me.
Heresy: Be rescued. I don't really see myself as a damsel in distress.
2. Adventure beckons. Do you need forcing, or do you leap into action?
Rosamund: Ideally? Leap into action. In practice, I am more likely to smoulder about the fact that I am not capable of doing so.
Darya: I look. Then I look again. Then I consider it. Then I realise all my nearest and dearest have charged off to near-certain death, and I run after them cursing freely.
Nell: These days I'm reluctant. I've got responsibilities at home now.
Heresy: I'm not sure I'd leap. I'm rather past it. But I'll do it if it needs to be done.
3. The phone rings. An anonymous voice says you have one minute to get out of the house, before they come for you. What do you do?
Rosamund: Spend the entire time demanding to know who they are and what they mean, and why they are warning me. If they are on my side they would tell me what is going on; if they are not, then I am damned whether I obey them or not. Possibly I would retreat to somewhere more easily defended, and drink any appropriate alchemy I had to hand.
Darya: Insult them liberally, and then leave. Very fast.
Nell: Grab my children, grab spare nappies, grab my sword, grab my tools, and run for the Temple.
Heresy: Spiritspeech the Temple. And the Militia.
4. If you were attacked right now by ninjapiratezombiegoblins, what would you use to defend yourself?
Rosamund: Magic. Gratuitous quantities thereof.
Darya: I would fire every pistol I could lay my hands on. Then I would hit them with the first thing I could lay my hands on, which is probably a poker. After that I would probably run very fast. I'm not skilled in combat.
Nell: Miracles, and my sword.
Heresy: Miracles, these days.
5. What form of media would best be used to commemorate your adventures (books, movies, improvised street theatre etc)?
Rosamund: I regret that "long poem with much flowery language and sentimentality" is probably the most accurate answer. Possibly a tapestry.
Darya: Comic strip, with a lot of lewd jokes.
Nell: A children's storybook, possibly with pictures.
Heresy: Probably a book of some sort, though I suspect it'd be dull.
6. What songs would be on your soundtrack?
Rosamund: I have a number. Most of them are folk songs of various kinds; many are wistful or morbid. I blame a Humacti upbringing.
Darya: Largely fast modern songs involving rebellion. "Living la Vida Loca" would be on there somewhere.
Nell: They're many and varied. A few folk songs, a few pop songs, the odd bit of metal. There are a fair few love songs on there.
Heresy: Cynical, world-weary songs. With the odd wistful ballad thrown in.
7. The world is in peril from evil scientists. Only a small band of mis-matched heroes can save it. Which side are you on?
Rosamund: On the saving-the-world side, clearly! Although... what kind of science is it?
Darya: Saving the world. I *like* the world.
Nell: Attempting to save the world...
Heresy: I'm a Justicar. What do *you* think?
8. When picking a stylish evening outfit, how much does practicality become a consideration?
Rosamund: I need to be able to breathe freely, and walk without tripping or having my skirts trodden on. And I prefer to be able to eat without my sleeves trailing in everything.
Darya: If I can run, breathe and hide drugs, a pistol and my tools in it, it's practical enough for me.
Nell: Err. I'm not sure I *have* a stylish outfit. Except for my wedding dress. I need to be able to run and fight and do surgery in it, at any rate.
Heresy: I'm not sure I really do style. "Presentable" is about as good as you'll get from me. If I can't do anything I'd usually do in it, I'm not wearing it.
9. When picking a practical adventuring outfit, how much does style become a consideration?
Rosamund: I like to look neat and reasonably presentable.
Darya: I like to look good. But I look good anyway, so practicality wins.
Nell: It doesn't.
Heresy: I've better things to think about.
10. As sexual tensions simmer during the tango, fortunes are won and lost in the casino and secrets are bought or stolen in the bar, where are you and what are you doing?
Rosamund: Er... probably either reading in the corner or doing something ill-advised with the ritual circle.
Darya: Causing the sexual tensions. Draping myself over somebody, or scandalising people. Or getting high or drunk in the corner. Possibly regaling people with some filthy song or other. The usual.
Nell: Chatting with people. :)
Heresy: Likely scowling at people and telling them to stop doing things.
11. How much of a team do you ideally prefer to work with, or do you usually operate alone?
Rosamund: I ususally work alone.
Darya: I work with others. Mostly this involves trying to keep them alive while they do things.
Nell: I like to work with others. I don't trust myself to get it right on my own. I need other people's judgement to make sure I don't mess up.
Heresy: I don't mind working with people if they're sensible and do as I tell them.
12. What sort of future prospects would your love interest or sidekick have? Is it worth them enquiring about the pension fund?
Rosamund: Better than my own.
Darya: *hollow laugh* All my friends are doomed to die young. They will break my heart. Every one of them. I know this.
Nell: I would defend them to the death.
Heresy: Gods know. Depends how much of an idiot they are.
13. Trapped in the barn and tied to a post. Your captor takes some of the tools down from the wall to sharpen, in preparation for your impending DOOM, leaving you alone for a few moments. What do you do now?
Rosamund: Be very sarcastic at them. Loudly, in case anyone is around to help. Try and get them to show me my focus so that I can blast them.
Darya: Do my very damndest to seduce them. Or lie through my teeth. If that doesn't work, scream at the top of my voice.
Nell: Scream. Cast miracles. Possibly I would call on my god at the last second.
Heresy: Swear. A lot. I'd call on my god if I had run out of other options. If I'm going down I'll take the buggers with me.
14. News of the death of your sidekick/partner/love interest reaches you by letter. How could this have happened?
Rosamund: A misjudged jump, I suspect. ... Shut up.
Darya: In the course of some dangerous duty to the Huntress. I wish I could stop caring.
Nell: ... I don't want to think about that.
Heresy: In the event, he was drowned at sea. These days? Well, this is a violent city at the best of times...
15. Revenge is a dish best served how?
Rosamund: Piping hot.
Darya: Anonymously, and icy cold.
Nell: Only when it would prevent further harm.
Heresy: At the opportune moment, and very precisely weighed out. Justice is a patient God.
16. An anonymous letter invites you to a clandestine meeting. Do you go?
Rosamund: Of course! But I tell someone to meet me at a specified time, and to come and get me if I don't appear.
Darya: Da. But I'll bring backup. And lots of weapons. And I will tell people where I am going.
Nell: No. Any friend of mine would have told me what it was about.
Heresy: Aye, but I'd be blessed up to the ears, the Temple would know I was going, and I'd take backup.
17. What is the correct number of knives?
Rosamund: None, unless they're warmetal. I don't care for the idea of discharging all my mana.
Darya: Ideally, three. One in hands, two spare. All of them concealed.
Nell: I prefer a sword. Unless you're counting my surgeon's tools.
Heresy: Several to spare. Though I was always better with a spear.
18. What would be your perfect date?
Rosamund: Ummm. *goes pink* I, er, honestly hadn't thought about it... What do people do on dates? Go to the library?
Darya: ... Date? You mean assignation? Somewhere I'm not supposed to be, ideally.
Nell: A walk by the river, or going blackberry-picking.
Heresy: I'm too old for that kind of silliness. I never was very romantic.
19. If the perfect date was interrupted by Zombie Apocalypse, how would you react?
Rosamund: By blasting lots of zombies, of course! With extreme prejudice!
Darya: I would run and grab any wounded and start doing my job. Probably half-clothed.
Nell: Kill zombies. Make sure everyone was all right. Make sure people in authority knew what was happening.
Heresy: Find out whose fault this was, and do my damndest to find them.
20. Did your perfect date already include a Zombie Apocalypse before question 19? In hindsight, would you have changed your answer?
Rosamund: Most definitely not.
Darya: No. Zombies don't do it for me.
Nell: No!
Heresy: That would be a no.
21. Have you been on many dates which would have been improved by global armageddon?
Rosamund: ... I have never been on a date. Stop pretending to look surprised.
Darya: I don't really *do* dates...
Nell: What?!
Heresy: No.
22. How competently could you disguise yourself?
Rosamund: Not very. My accent keeps comign through.
Darya: Don't know, never tried. I suspect suppressing my accent would fool a fair number of people.
Nell: Probably not that well. I'm not clever enough.
Heresy: Considering the limp and the obvious scars? Poorly.
23. Is there space for romance in the course of your adventures?
Rosamund: There probably oughtn't to be, all things considered.
Darya: For certain values of romance... ;)
Nell: With Lucius? Always. :)
Heresy: No.
24. How well do you cope with sudden shifts in genre and pace?
Rosamund: Reasonably well, I hope.
Darya: Well. I keep being me, whatever is going on.
Nell: I don't know what you mean...
Heresy: You what? I'm not I really adapt to circumstance. I tend to just keep plodding on the way I always have...
25. If you could pick anywhere to have exciting adventures, where would it be?
Rosamund: From an armchair. I can't walk as much as I used to.
Darya: Somewhere without any laws or prejudices about drugs, clothing or sex. And without any fucking Teacherites.
Nell: I think my adventuring days are over. But preferably a long way away from where the people I love could get hurt.
Heresy: Here. I've done enough marching in my time, I've no desire to walk to the ends of the earth.