Well, it's April, Spring, Daylight saving time and this month I will turn 23.
March was a pretty dreamy month.
A lot happend and meanwhile EVERYTHING stayed the same.
I have no desire to update on anything important...
This is how the couch usually looks. Many of you have experienced the comfortable broken glory of this couch. It's the best, isn't it?
Well, this is how it got to be so comfy. 2 pieces of Ikea shelving, some wood pannelling, a tea tray and piece of foam wraped in a blankey.
Without all these crutches it becomes a MAN EATER! SWALLOWING IT'S VICTIMS WHOLE!
I swear trying to sleep on this couch is rediculous...you fall so much into the back of the couch you wake up under it!
So they won $2,500 from Colonial Furniture, coincidentally where they bought this couch 30 years ago.
p.s. I love the Ashley Parker Angel show.'>
Oh Teddy Geiger and all your confidence...
Ashley Parker Angel tellin' it like it is on MTV
...okay now i'm going to to outside and enjoy the sunshine.