i looked at your homepage and we have different opinions (such as pro-choice), but i respect your interests and can tell that you have a lot to say, and are using your voice to relay it.
so kudos to you, and i think it's awesome that you're into photography and journalism, i have a love for both and that's what i'm hoping to do after college.
i wanted to leave a note and let you know; have a good day.
eeep, i missed your move to this new journal in my hiatus from the net. i was wondering where you had gone, and now i feel really silly :P please excuse my ignorance and add me back.
All I know about you is that your name is Taylor, you have red hair, and you love death cab for cutie. Which puts you above 99.9% of the human population in my book. Add me?
I feel like such an idiot.arundelDecember 2 2004, 09:18:30 UTC
I saw your icon in Micah's req post. I thought you looked familiar. I remember you noticably not posting as often as you used to and then you switched Livejournal on well, a pretty chaotic day. I really enjoyed your entries, and well, hope you add me back.
Comments 11
so kudos to you, and i think it's awesome that you're into photography and journalism, i have a love for both and that's what i'm hoping to do after college.
i wanted to leave a note and let you know; have a good day.
I'd like to add you, and hope you'll add me back.
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