Once again, I have ditched school-- but with reason this time: my car is in the shop & I've no way to get from school to the house, & then to work, so I decided to spend the day up at mam's office, which is where I am now
My 9th grade English teacher
My Uncle Jery
Myself as a librarian.
I'd like, for a second, to say a few words about some writer named Michelle Rowen. I came across her work through MySpace (which can hardly ever be a good thing), & was intrigued (not in a good way) by her upcoming novel,
Fanged & Fabulous. I already don't like vampy novels, or really anything to do with vampires. But this gal... man, oh man-- her writing is bad. From the cover, it looks like a cross between The Devil Wears Prada & some photo taken of the "alternative" 'tweenies. Of course, never judge a book by its cover... so I read a page or so. Yeah, still bad. Maybe even worse. It's not even the subject matter that really bothers me (some vampire chick jogging in purple velour is all of a sudden being chased by some cute vampire slayer), but just the writing... made my teeth itch. (I'm probably just being a bitch. What do I know? She's the one with two published books under her belt, & this one on the way, but Lord. It seems like anything will get published nowadays. Whatever.) Anyway, I left her a note on her MySpace blog plainly stating, "Yeah, your writing is bad." Maybe it will offend her; probably will. & I know how sensitive writers can be about harsh criticism (or, in this case, people stating that so-and-so has no business subjecting would-be readers to such tripe), but I sometimes I have a hard time keeping opinions to m'self. Maybe I should work on that.
Anyway. Now that I've devoted a paragraph to someone I've never met, whose writing makes me want to cry... I don't feel like going into work today. Hell, I don't feel like going into work any day. It's not so bad when I'm there, just getting there is the problem (especially since my car is in the shop.) Fuck, I'm already working a double for Easter. Odie should cover for me this weekend. I've decided. Crack that whip.
My favourite quote of the day: "Way to kill the rain forest, Nana." I love my family.
- Sarah Katherine