Verse Post for Loran

Apr 10, 2011 21:20

All the verses listed here are active verses played with Loran.
If you would like a verse with Loran drop a PM or IM me at knewaboxer.
This table was taken from the community rp_tutorials.


As the name states this is Loran's default verse. Everything that is one his profile is true in this verse. He is a student of Archeology and linguistics.

The timeline for this verse can be found here.

( Looking for Jack and Daniel )


With a PhD in archeology & linguistics Loran is now Captain Loran O'Neill of the US Air Force. He is serving as a Captain at Stargate Command, commanding his own SG team and working along side his sort-of-kind-of brother, Caden (earthlingish). Even though he used to be the awkward nerd type Loran has grown out of his awkwardness and into a fine commander for the US Air Force. He lives and works in Colorado.

verse started by this post.

[verse]: default verse, [what]: verse post

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