
Sep 13, 2011 15:55

Such strange tidings; it seems that one of you has loosed a plague upon my household. My chatelaine would have her bear what follows, but for the rest of you I think that this will not serve.

Should you already face illness or possible infection, you will find what little respite can be offered in the infirmary. Go there, or do not as is your wish. But any who suspect that they are now infected must leave the barracks at once.

From the time of my writing, six bells will toll. At the sixth tolling, the barracks will be placed under quarantine. Some of my household staff will remain. Any found within the barracks to be carrying this disease will be killed.

Should you find yourself uninfected and outside the barracks, the rest of my staff will attend you as best they can. Go with them. You will be kept safe and, in time and once your health is certain, be released into the barracks.

Any attempting to enter or leave the barracks by other means will be killed.

These conditions will remain for as long as the malady persists.

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