I got felhunter tonight. How, you ask? (yes, you did, don't argue)
Well, it all started when I was randomly killing some centaur in the Thousand Needles. Some dead warlock comes up to me, and asks if I'm looking for the Cabal Tome. Well, I wasn't really looking for it, but I did need it, so we go into the caves and search for it. After flying our eyes around a few times, we find the chest we're looking for. We slaughter a handful of centaurs and loot the chest. Now we need the other half, and we're not about to quit there...
Well, the other half rests in Southshore, so after a long journy over there, we starting searching the coast. I fly my eye east, she flew her eye west. What did we find? I found another group of 2 warlocks, on the very same quest, she finds the tome. Was it just fortune? I think not. I think Warlocks just rock.
Well, we grouped up, and I called on one of my guildies (also a 31 undead warlock) and we summoned him in, all grabbed the book, and then headed back to 1K needles to get the first half for those who we met on the shore.
Once we assembled at Freewind Post, we set out. However, One of our number suddenly had to leave, but the four of us set out anyway. Since two of us had done this before, it was simple to do it again, and we left a blazing trail of fire, death, and suffering in our wake... I cannot begin to imagine the pain of having you soul ripped into three pieces while you still live...
Well, come to find out we also need 3 summoning rods... form the southern wetlands. Long trip, during which we lost another member. No matter, we made it all the way, and battle hundreds (not kidding) of orcs to find 9 rods (3 for each of us). Something we found as many as 12 orcs at once, maybe more.. Too hard to tell with all the fire. No screenshots here, we were fighting for our lives. Especially since the alliance kept trying to pull camps on top of us. Damn wealkings just kept getting themselves killed.
Anyway, once we had the rods, it was a simple trip to ratchet and a simple fight again our new felhunters (6 on 1 is pretty cheap, but we were tired).
All in all, an awsome night...
As soon as I can get my screenshots hosted, I'll put them up here (maybe tomorrow)