Get a job on an oil rig. Work 1 month on, 1 month off. Plenty of money, plenty of time. Not sure they use archaeologists on oil rigs but anyway the principle of working hard week in week out for a period then spending the money is a sound one. I don't know if you knew Richard (Flatcap) Russon, but this is what he did (6 months on, 6 months off on software). IMHO there is a danger if you only work 2-3 days a week of getting the work drudgery but not really freeing up serious chunks of time for travel, writing novels, and whoring and drinking your way from Slough to Ruislip.
Comments 4
See y'all thursday!
Mr Tim
I never have enough time. I have a job and I still don't have the money. Must be something going wrong somewhere...
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