First of all, a big thank you for all the heartfelt congratulations and well wishes for the initial announcement in the
previous post :)
As promised, here's the photos that confirmed the Ruthven household will have the pattering of teensy weensy feet:
Awwwh it's so cute and tiny!
Look at it having a clean. Adorable little fiend!
Hasn't it got the sweetest little eyes!
It's a Pseudempusa Pinnapavonis Mantis, more commonly known as the "Peacock Mantis".
When our little bundle of joy and mandibles grows up it will look like this:
Go get 'em!
Check those gorgeous wings, the reason it's called the "Peacock Mantis"
How can you not love that face?!
As stated last post, it's no shit, seriously for real arriving soon - this weekend in fact!
Already got it's little home on the way, and a supply of nummy foodstuffs for it to get it's *nom* on!
This is our first ever shared pet and as such is so very special!
We'll no doubt update with photos on it's progress, like "Baby's first cricket kill", "Baby's first moult", etc. Hey, what proud new parents wouldn't y'know?! :D
Also I think... Wait... Wha-What?! O_O
You thought I was talking about a human baby? As in, Holly being pregnant?? o_O Hell no! Whatever gave you that crazy idea?!?!
No I did not!
Go back and read my last post carefully. Pay attention to what I actually said and what specifically I didn't say... (hint: words like 'pregnant' & 'baby' for starters).
Besides, it's damn sight impossible for me to get Holly pregnant and neither of us actually want to spawn offspring.
Hmmm... if that had been an experiment in observing the work of presumption, assumption and omission on the minds ability to create 'facts' from incomplete information, then it would have been a fascinating study.
If only I had had thought of that...
Anyway! We are going to need a suitable name for our little bundle of predatory fun.
Any ideas? :)