I ordered four books from Amazon and they have just arrived. Having just finished Guy Gavriel Kay's Sailing to Sarantium, I will of course read Lord of Emperors first as it follows directly on from it. But which shall I read after that?
The Lions of Al-Rassan is also by GGK, so that may be a logical place to start. But then I also kind of feel like
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Comments 4
I got it for the same reason you did - the Erikson rec, but then Erikson rec'd Bakker too and I HATED Bakker. I plan on cracking that this weekend just to see if it is really that bad. That pat5203 or whatever his name is gave it a positive rec, but he NEVER recs anything bad (I think he just likes free books so he opens his arsehole).
I have been one of the people recing West strongly. I think she has the same sort of feel of Erikson - the big world, the stronger magic but with MUCH better chars. Her prose is dense and the plot doesn't move as quickly. Oh, she is a Canadian author too. :p Crazy Canadians.
Sooo... without reading the Keck novel I can't really say, but my heart says West.
errr, thats why I am not a writer, because I can't write. I mean that he never gives anything a bad review. :p
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