I found out from te comments on my last post that I actually do still have my late-night network out there, it's just a bit busy and sometimes disconnected -_-;;. I wanted to start by saying a big thank you to those that responded to my last post and let me know you're around.
And now begins
Pretty much all of you know by now how dependent I am on social activity, communication, and just generally being that people. It won't come as a surprise then when I say that I am really missing hanging out with all my people, especially my Irvine people. For those of you that didn't know, most of this Winter Break will be spent in India. My flight leaves on Friday, December 16th and I will be done until December 30th or so. The unfortunate part is this also cuts into the part of the break that I am here, since I have a lot of things to get done for/before the trip.
Where am I going with this? Well, one of those things I needed to get done was getting my car in for an overdue service now that it's back from a body shop. I had an appointment this morning to get said service done. For that reason, I had to leave for home when last night's post-finals party at UCI was just getting started. As you guys know, it's very uncharacteristic of me to leave when everybody is hanging out (remember how long it took me to leave first year?), and while I was driving away I nearly turned back around at every intersection. While I end up missing the whole Irvine group when I come home for a long break, it's usually eased by the fact that I have Rishon here and get to spend some time with her and with our local friends. Unfortunately, SJSU has her break starting a week after mine. Even more unfortunately, this is right after I leave for India, where I get very little contact with anybody because of the 13 and a half hour time difference as well as expensive phone and often unavailable net access. Bad timing again: Joanna comes back also during the time I'm in India, so I miss seeing her at all and if my friends come in to visit her I'll be missing that too.
The other issue is that this works both ways. I know Rishon is really missing me, and I know that there are some friends in Irvine who could still use the talks. I feel doubly worse that there's not so much I can do to help out in those departments. Sorry if this is all depressing, but it just doesn't feel like it's going to be a very good break...