Dec 11, 2007 11:11
*Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough.
Eagles were ruled by none. Not Valar, not Maiar and certainly not men. Why then had he come to the call of Radagast and The Grey one? Gwaihir sat at his perch above the Misty Mountains and thought long on that question. It was a deed done but the why had yet to be answered. His eyes took in the land and he could still see the man, the one they called Gandalf, riding. His eyes followed with his thoughts to the Grey one.
He now knew why he had answered. He knew the part that would be played by the White Rider who was not yet White. All depended on his wisdom, men and eagles alike. From his lofty perch opened his great wings. The aid of the eagles would be needed once more before time was secure on this Middle Earth. For an eagle his destination was not far, a path through the mountains to a place of old. It was a place where man had once stood. He was looking for 5, one of the race of men forgotten and four of the Shire. They traveled beyond the eyes of many but nothing escaped the keen eye of an Eagle.
Gwaihir circled high watching the travelers and the enemy. Five riders were coming from the South and Four from the North. They were mortals and could not fight the Black Ones from Mordor. His wings folded to a stoop as he picked the targets. They transversed the open believing as evil always did that it was beyond injury. Talons hit horse flesh and wraith cold but the Eagles of Manwë felt no such cold. They had been sent for just this purpose. A long forgotten purpose, to keep Morgoth in check. The Valar had given them the task to keep evil at bay when all hope had failed in the hearts of men and elves and those who stood for the good of the world. Today the Eagles came forth and tomorrow evil would tremble at the sight.
the third age,