1. Go
2. Pass it on.
1.~How did you meet
posty54? In Sean's basement I think.....some party...in fact I think i puked. Not that he had anything to do with it.
2.~What would you do if you had never met
posty54? Never learned the true meaning of Humus.
3.~What do you honestly think of
hotblackdesiato? Very talented, I really hope he gets his music out.
4.~Would or did
posty54 and
gunslinger_v go out? I can see them going to a con of some sort together, not really sure why.
5.~Have you ever liked
chamberchild? Yes, and I still do. We have similar music tastes.
posty54 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? I will take over the world in your stead.
amelielyn and
twondo make a good couple? That is so wrong on so many different levels.
jettamaster in 3 words: Quiet, intellegent, groovy
9.~Do you think
superroachio is hot? She is a doll, Angelina is HOT!!!
posty54 and
jwendl make a lovely couple? Their beards would create sparks thats for sure.
11.~What do you think of when you see
gunslinger_v? TARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you grow since last i saw you?
12.~Tell me something humiliating about
twondo: He once had a penis on his forehead.....and is for the most part....okay with it.
13.~Do you know any of
superhermit's family members? Yes all of her imidiate family, and I am kinda technically related to her.
posty54's favorite color? I dont know but if I had to guess, I would say Sothern Comfort.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is
lifeformzero? Sorry, you would get somewhere around Absolute Zero.
16.~What would you do if
ladydandelion just professed their undying love for you? Scratch my head in a confussed manner.
17.~What language does
posty54 speak? Scottish, duh.
18.~Who is
baldrika going out with? Kirsten Dunst is on his desktop
sgtstubs a boy or a girl? Neither, HES ALL MAN BABY!!!!
posty54 and
ladydandelion make a good couple? No, completly different personality types.
21.~Who do you think
d_archangelo would be great with from this list? I would say
Twondo they can go on and on for hours about who knows what. Thats something special I tell ya.
22.~When was the last time you talked to
superroachio? Umm just the other day via IM, but I think she stopped by to smoke sometime in July.
23.~What is
chamberchild's favorite band? I have no idea. But based on her LJ name, I would say Coal Chamber.
amelielyn have any siblings? Just Henry.
25.~Would you ever date
Superroachio and
gunslinger_v would murder me.
26.~Would you ever date
sgtstubs would murder me. Although I already did.
d_archangelo single? Technically yes, but not for long.
28.~What is
posty54's last name? I know it, but I am not sure he wants me typing it on the WWW.
29.~What is
posty54's middle name? I don't know either. Only his first name matters anyways.
30~What is
hotblackdesiato's fantasy? Hot sex with
sgtstubs's Mom.
31.~Where does
sgtstubs live? In a van down by the......nah he lives down the street.
32.~Would you make out with
posty54? Not make out, but he kissed me once on the lips one New Year's Eve.
posty54 and
superhermit best friends? No. Read his answers.
jettamaster like
posty54? as far as I know yes.
35.~How did you meet
posty54? Um, see above. Nice job, stupid survey thing.
superroachio older than you? Nope, but her Birthday is on the Summer solstice, so that has to count for something.
jwendl the sexiest person alive? uh no....that spot is reserved for Angelina or Amy Lee depending on my mood.