Man this thing just loves Posty54

Sep 08, 2005 03:21

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet posty54? In Sean's basement I think.....some fact I think i puked. Not that he had anything to do with it.
2.~What would you do if you had never met posty54? Never learned the true meaning of Humus.
3.~What do you honestly think of hotblackdesiato? Very talented, I really hope he gets his music out.
4.~Would or did posty54 and gunslinger_v go out? I can see them going to a con of some sort together, not really sure why.
5.~Have you ever liked chamberchild? Yes, and I still do. We have similar music tastes.
6.~If posty54 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? I will take over the world in your stead.
7.~Would amelielyn and twondo make a good couple? That is so wrong on so many different levels.
8.~Describe jettamaster in 3 words: Quiet, intellegent, groovy
9.~Do you think superroachio is hot? She is a doll, Angelina is HOT!!!
10.~Would posty54 and jwendl make a lovely couple? Their beards would create sparks thats for sure.
11.~What do you think of when you see gunslinger_v? TARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you grow since last i saw you?
12.~Tell me something humiliating about twondo: He once had a penis on his forehead.....and is for the most part....okay with it.
13.~Do you know any of superhermit's family members? Yes all of her imidiate family, and I am kinda technically related to her.
14.~What's posty54's favorite color? I dont know but if I had to guess, I would say Sothern Comfort.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is lifeformzero? Sorry, you would get somewhere around Absolute Zero.
16.~What would you do if ladydandelion just professed their undying love for you? Scratch my head in a confussed manner.
17.~What language does posty54 speak? Scottish, duh.
18.~Who is baldrika going out with? Kirsten Dunst is on his desktop
19.~Is sgtstubs a boy or a girl? Neither, HES ALL MAN BABY!!!!
20.~Would posty54 and ladydandelion make a good couple? No, completly different personality types.
21.~Who do you think d_archangelo would be great with from this list? I would say Twondo they can go on and on for hours about who knows what. Thats something special I tell ya.
22.~When was the last time you talked to superroachio? Umm just the other day via IM, but I think she stopped by to smoke sometime in July.
23.~What is chamberchild's favorite band? I have no idea. But based on her LJ name, I would say Coal Chamber.
24.~Does amelielyn have any siblings? Just Henry.
25.~Would you ever date superhermit? Superroachio and gunslinger_v would murder me.
26.~Would you ever date jettamaster? sgtstubs would murder me. Although I already did.
27.~Is d_archangelo single? Technically yes, but not for long.
28.~What is posty54's last name? I know it, but I am not sure he wants me typing it on the WWW.
29.~What is posty54's middle name? I don't know either. Only his first name matters anyways.
30~What is hotblackdesiato's fantasy? Hot sex with sgtstubs's Mom.
31.~Where does sgtstubs live? In a van down by the......nah he lives down the street.
32.~Would you make out with posty54? Not make out, but he kissed me once on the lips one New Year's Eve.
33.~Are posty54 and superhermit best friends? No. Read his answers.
34.~Does jettamaster like posty54? as far as I know yes.
35.~How did you meet posty54? Um, see above. Nice job, stupid survey thing.
36.~Is superroachio older than you? Nope, but her Birthday is on the Summer solstice, so that has to count for something.
37.~Is jwendl the sexiest person alive? uh no....that spot is reserved for Angelina or Amy Lee depending on my mood.
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