engagement photo hell part 2

Jul 09, 2006 01:03

It started off a bit annoying when they didn't even call until almost 2pm to tell us they were in Miamisburg, OH checking into the motel and getting food and would call us within the hour to let us know they were on their way. Not totally sure why they picked that area, which is about 20 miles north of here, to stay except that there is more to do around there but they wouldn't have known that. Whatever works though cause people need food and we were waiting on a friend to look at our central) air unit (another story for another time perhaps).

About 90 mins later I called them, at Jessica's request, to find out where they were and she told me that they had passed the place and was trying to find parking (they have a GPS unit). I looked out my window and all I see was parking spaces everywhere. It would be great if I could find that much parking available when we need it! I call them back to make sure they are in the right spot and they're not to far away but also up farther and on a different street which I'm not sure HOW they got to. I live right on Central Ave which is actually the ONLY straight road in this city and in the main part of town. For those familiar w/ Middletown no more needs explaining. For those who aren't ... they were morons or had a shitty GPS unit.

Yes, we switched locations on them when they got here but it's not like it was a major difference. We told them that it was the same distance but not as far and not as large.

Jess had originally told them ABOUT the puppies when she emailed them originally. Oh, and if they aren't trained to photograph dogs then why do they have pictures of them on their site www.photosbysarah.com ??

I swung by my mum's to drop off a load of laundry to do later since we don't have a washer / dryer hook up, then headed up to Hueston Woods for the pictures. No, we hadn't gotten a chance to explore up there because the car broke down but we had explored Ceasar's Creek and realised it was totally wrong for where we wanted the pictures taken at. The website mentioned a nature area so we thought about going there but unfortunatly it WAS an indoor place and crowded. Unfortunatly, Alexis threw up in the car right as we got into the park so we stopped to clean that up. Both pups DID jump out the car window but we didn't have any problems catching them. We searched around a bit until we found the picnic area and decided that would have to work for the photos. It wasn't much but there's similar photos on her site.

It was me that suggested 90% of the areas and poses for the pictures while they just stood by looking rather stupid and unfriendly. I got the impression right off that her b/f didn't like me but do I care? NO! We weren't paying them to be our friends, we were paying them to be professional photographers. They pull out this old style 2 megapixel (3 max) camera and nothing else and I about died. Ok, whatever, Jess wanted this woman cause she's suppose to be good so I don't say anything at all and just go w/ it. She had an idea for 1 spot there and we did that, but of course half the time she would either count to 3 and then not take the picture or take it in the middle of the count then finish counting. She honestly acted as if she was unfamiliar w/ taking pictures. Not once has either of them really said much to us and as usual I feel like I'm doing WAY more talking than I need to.

I decided to check out this trail over by there and we walked a little ways into it before Jess asked if it was going to be to much or if she could get good shots cause of the lack of lighting. She responds, "as long as you don't go in to far", so we walk maybe 100 yards if that (ground level w/ no weeds on the trail) and take some pics. Of course it's me that has the idea for the poses AGAIN. Oh, she wants to take some pics of the puppies by themselves which we agreed on but they didn't want that and took off playing. That's when I noticed we were in itchweed and mentioned it. Pat just shrugged it off and said it didn't bother him that much while both Sarah and I scratched (me the worst). That's when the pups took off towards the road and Pat took off after them. I thanked him for his help in catching them and struck up a conversation which he didn't seem inclined on holding.

We decided to try the beach area then head back to Middletown for some pics but when we got to the beach area it was SLAMMED full of people and decided it was to crowded. By then Jess and I were already talking about how disappointed we were w/ the whole situation. Sarah mentions that we could do some indoor photos cause she's got background and "stuff" w/ her. We tell her that we're not sure where to do that at cause we have no room in our place but we'd think on it and let her know when we got back to Middletown.

Gas in Oxford was $2.88 / gallon so we stopped there. I went in to use the restroom and when I came out Jess told me that Sarah had mentioned she didn't have all her equipment w/ her and would have to go back to the motel for her indoor lens then meet us back whereever we chose. We prepaid and I asked her about it and she's told me the same thing. That's when I got rude and told her that I didn't think she was being all that professional and was under the impression she had everything she needed with her. Told her we didn't particularly care for their attitude (or rather lack of any emotions), and the fact that she didn't have very much imput on anything and was supose to be the professional. Yes, Pat helped w/ the pups (not that I expected them to actually run INTO the road but they didn't know that and I had no guarentee of that). We had already discussed giving them SOME $$ for their trip. I told her that I felt like I had wasted their time but at the same time they had wasted mine. Her responce was, "well, I guess we can just cancel the whole thing and I'll just post the pictures for you to see." That's when Jess asked if she could see them now (we were thinking of still maybe purchasing them). She started to say yes but Pat made her say no and they agreed that they would have them up by the end of the night. They got in their car and left w/o asking for any $$ at all. Eh, so much the better.
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