YAHOOOOOOOO... I could not agre more... the fees banks charge for NSF's and the like are amazing.. and hit the ones who can L:EAST afford it. At one point while Master Lior was laid off ( and they DO have a system to get the most fees out of youthey can ) our banjk fees totales 800.00 for ONE month... lond story, but whwen you are living, or trying to live on unemployment and the bank gets 800 of that... where does that leave you ? Even more desittute than before ? DO they care ? HELL NO !!! In fact.. that same bank ( we are no longer bankiong with them ) has now sent us to collection for 197.00 ... INTEREST.. they can kiss my lily white ass thankyouverymuch !!!
My neighbor had the same account at the same bank for over 20 years. Then they got bought out and all their policies changed. The new rule is that at the end of the day, the add up all the withdrawals, then all the deposits, then mark your new balance. Sounds harmless, right
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