Last night for the first time a long long time, we went an adventure. It was great. we went to edinburgh and ha da laugh. as always i shall tell the story through pictures.
before we left glasgow richard showed us is Tag
motorways go on forever, but we had adventure music so it was no problem
edinburgh richard junkie face
barry had a tree with lights on it sprouting out his head
so did richard
this picture amused me
this street amused barry and darkside "cockburn street"
Barry, richard munchin, rossco nelle and darkside
dirka fighting infront of statues
telephone box vectors
castle vectors
we were gonna do chap door runnaway at edinburgh castle then try and get it on all scottish csatles but the guy wouldnt let us any closer than where this picture got took from. the lady is from some wedding party or something she was cool
after the castle we ran down 10000000 stairs. ricahrd won, barry was teh 1st place looser, ross was 3rd,
i was 4th(i was carrying tonnes of stuff) and darkside lost.
Then these guys with teh guitars played paint it black for barry and a pound
we headed to teh parliament
i bombed 100's of hills in edinburgh, since it basically is a giant hill, good times
parliament bollards
thoughtfull moment at the parliament
"is this a skatebaord arena?" asked the german man, he was great, barry tlaked to him most but i never got a statement, he was more drunk than we were.
Scottish parliament is great for photography and...
long jumps
ross and richards faces melded into one in a fantastical sight
richard got bored of walking quick
so he climbed some stairs instead
then flew
dynamic earth had some party goin on inside, and some security guy wasnt to happy with us hanging around
so ross dangled on his building
on the way back to teh car we found this shop
these people were not sober
this guy was a dick. **official**
these guys were tired