Ever found yourself sitting playing with your action man feeling the need for more pyrotechnics than a springloaded pistol? well heres your solution.
Action Man Missiles.
get yourself some matches, i could only find 4
i kind of skipped some bits so ill do my bets to describe.
cut the heads of all matches, get a rectangle of tin foil, place 2 heads facing one another with one of the broken match sticks sitting over the end of the tin foil and roll into missle esque shape
next you'll need a needle, put the needle up the side of the tinfoil, making a little outlet for the flames. i put my needle into some tin foil and used it as a launch pad.
next is teh easy part. hold a lighter to the area where the match heads are in the tin foil
watch it go...
...or not
we ran out of matches before we got a good launch. ill update again when we try again.
stabbers and lighters and matches all make for fun, but play safe kids
the other day i went to the city chambers for a sketchathon
my renderings....