west side story

Feb 25, 2007 16:48

Tino here.

Last night i went to the west end to drink street wine and kick it at Paul Vx's gaf.

went to meet up with shetland number 1, david....i think hes number 1 anyway.....

he hot tailed it over to pauls, cracking host.

19 in a few months......i still dont believe it.

shetland rab and mathew were down kipping in shetland davids. sadly no pictures of mathew. rabs gangsta

jackson was Ko'd

fishy eyes n shit

drinking was over with all too quickly so i headed to the cathouse to meet some chaps as they departed

team boy.

headed back to richards for some wine tasting/drinking on the wya we found a phone YAS.

did you get a random text last night?

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