As part of my return to this journal, this is a post of all the neat things I've collected in my FF tabs over the past months for quick reference. Uh. Some things seriously outdated (this is mostly for my own reference).
Pimping an AMV that was linked to me a while ago, found
here. I haven't seen the show, but as with most animes I end up watching this AMV has me intrigued. I'm not sure if it's awesome, or disturbing. Or maybe both! Anyhow, great song choice.
Durarara!! - Cobrastyle (The Teddybears) from
Alex Bear on
'Xcuse meh... Pirate kitteh, found around TLAPD. :D
Somebody please tell me what Captain Hammer is saying. Please. I want dialog. Also, I want this to happen in Milliways. Found on Nathan's twitter, which just makes it all the funnier. :D
Peter Jackson Sets First Names For 'The Hobbit' Well, nobody can deny that PJ has a gift for casting. It's his WRITING that concerns me. However, I have to admit I'm pretty excited to see Martin Freeman and Richard Armitage on the roster.
Robot Suit HAL. I ask you: DID ANYONE IN JAPAN STOP TO THINK "WAIT. GAIS. MEBE THIS ISN'T SUCH A GUD IDEAZ."? *face. palms.* This is even better than the made-to-scale Gundam.
Nicolas Cage reveals animal sex factor in diet. This man never fails to fascinate me.
This is mostly for you. Prose before bros, sistah-friend.
For Readers Who Enjoyed The Twilight Saga... I'm sorry, everyone. This just made me laugh. :D?
I find I don't really like embedding youtube vids. So, I give you old-fashioned links!
Talk Like a Pirate Day. This was by far the best TLAPD song I heard this year! Very clever, though the video itself is full of terrible, terrible puns.
Waldo Ultimatum (Original Video by The Imponderables). Where's Waldo meets Jason Bourne. Pure dead brilliant. I would see it.
"You Again" mock press junket. I laughed to the point of tears, guys. Not just at the mind-frell that is seeing Betty White, Sigourney Weaver, and Kristen Bell all in the same room, but because my headvoice had a field day. AVATAR. AVATAR! *g* Also? I really want to thread Grace and Elle in Milliways now.
The Jane Austen Drinking Game (Live) - Mostly Water Theatre. M, we still need to play this. How old is Liz now? I feel like Lauren needs to be forced encouraged to make another road trip... THE PARLOR IS THE WIDOWMAKER!