I don't like this, but it is my job. Lucifer has crossed a line this time. We know it was his blood used in the attack on Dan and the murder of Lucia. I grab what I need from my desk and slip into the ether finding him in Hell.
His hands are bloodied and his face screwed up into a grimice. He turns his head and glares at me for interuppting his work. There is something, some one, lying in front of him writhing in pain. Whoever it was deserved this so I pay it no attention.
I take out my papers and step closer to him, "Lucifer, I am here to bring you into the order for questioning in the murder of Lucia Wood. A person of interest. We need to go now."
I keep myself professional and seperated from the angel that loves Lucifer. We both knew this would happen one day. What he does in his professional life is his decision, but so is mine and we knew one day they would cross paths.