With the sound of electricity crackling around me I appear in Lord Gabriel's chambers. I see Christian there speaking with them and I hiss at him vehemently.
I move fast as he attacks me, going full form and wrapping my wing around me to block his lightning. I cry out as my wing burns but that is all that burns and I heal quickly as I watch him take what is left of his fathers heart and burn it. Something is seriously wrong but surely I would have felt Gaspard by now and I don't which worries me even more.
I stand and take him in. I am unsure what to do as he is my Lord I cannot attack him. "Lord Paul! Where is Lord Gaspard? What are you doing?!"
The lights appear in Lord Gabriel's chambers. Holding Valentin tightly I jump and land outside his window. Pushing it I jump down inside the room and transform back to human shape just in time to hear the question from Christian.
They all turn and look at us, all except Lord Paul, "Sss'he hasss learned the truth. Lord Gassspard isssnot to be trussted - thisss war mussst ssstop."
I am about to rip his throat out for his insolence when I feel them, the wards, at this distance for me to feel them it must be a serious breach. I look to Lord Paul who is acting even crazier than Valentin laughing like a mad man into the fire. Can he not feel it?! What is going on?! "Lord Paul?!" I call to him but he does not answer.
My loyalty ultimately lies with Lord Gaspard and suddenly I get the sense I am in the enemies den. I answer the pull and with that I am gone and back in the bunker.
Pulling my arm from the fire charred to the bone up to the elbow. I stand and watch as it heals. Turning I see Valentin - my brother. "We must destroy the other half my brother. The angels have it. We must get it from them!"
I move to his side. "Do not listen to him anymore in your dreams - you must not sleep!"
Pulling him away from that demon I hold him tightly and move away from them, "They do not understand us... we have to do this together!"
Suddenly my mind is filled with thoughts of Gaspard, pain, despair... I shake my head, "NO! Get out of my thoughts! I hate you!"
We stand in an open field surrounded by trees. I know there are horses nearby, I can hear and smell them. I also smell angel blood in the air. It's not Bruno's. His scent is way stronger and much more masculine, almost like a bull elephant in musth. I can sense he is near though. Below the ground. I also sense the fallen angel, Ashik. And to top it all off I smell Vampires. Two of them and they watching us but I cannot read them, not unless I am close and I am sure they don't want to get too close. One thing I am getting though is a very confusing reading. It wavers in and out, feint but then very strong. I think it's Angel but then I am not so sure because it's not like any Angel I have ever felt
( ... )
I block the beautiful one, "Do not bother reading me - it is all pain."
In answer to the question I swallow the pain I feel rising inside me as their united love for one another surrounds me. "I will get you into Gaspard's bunker... but I want the other half of my father's heart first!"
I can sense a lot of pain, it surrounds him, and I wonder what has happened for him to suddenly be turning on Gaspard. If he really is. I know from Stan that this one loves Gaspard with all his heart. I also know how Gaspard is capable of manipulating things, his mind, and even his blood, to confuse and put off wrong information. The Order underestimated him considerably.
Dan also voices his distrust and urges that we should capture him and take him back to the order. I tell him to have patience. There is also innocence in his aura, he has not killed. Gaspard has kept him safe from persecution.
"Why would you turn on one you love? How can you guarantee us that this is not a trap?"
I laugh as I sneer at him, "Love! Love is a lie! Nothing last forever and demons like Gaspard know nothing of loyalty! I want him to pay for the pain he has caused me! The lies!"
I look at the beautiful one and open my mind, "Read me! Read my true desire!"
I swallow hard and look away, "He is no longer my concern! Do with him," i have to remind myself how he lied to me, "what you want. I want the other half of my father's heart or these two hearts go up in flames!"
My hands turn to fire. A ring of flames surround the hearts but do not touch them - yet.
"You are very determined to get what you want are you not young one. Like father like son. Isn't that how the saying goes Gaspard?" I push my fingers in further when he doesn't answer. He cries out and hisses.
Go fuck yourself.
I chuckle.
Don't listen to him Paul he is playing with you!
"I assure you Gaspard I am not playing. I intend to give him what he wants. As long as he is sure he really wants it. Now be quiet so we can finish this."
I look up and hold my other hand out. "Ramiel if you don't mind... you know what I want." I lean my head down and whisper in Gaspard's ear. "Any last words for your young love.."
The space around my hand glows bright gold briefly then I am holding what young Paul is after.
Kill me.
I answer him in a whisper. "My pleasure." Then quickly and easily I dig my fingers all the way through his heart so I have a good grip and pull my hand out of his chest along with his heart.
I watch in horror as Gaspard slips from his hand and his heart is in Samael's hand. My eyes dart to the half heart in his other hand but it doesn't seem to matter anymore!
"Put it back now or I will crush these two hearts! Do it now!"
"Oh so you do care what I do with him after all. But, have some patience. We are haggling remember." I step over Gaspard's prone form and walk toward him. "An angel's heart always betrays him young Paul. I see it all. But an Angel in love is blinded by his heart."
I stop just in front of him. "Your father was one of the best.. until blinded by his. He achieved one of the highest positions. A seat by the makers side.. but as an Archangel he was supposed to forsake love. It has no place in the higher realms. Yet along comes your vampire and off the rails he goes, blinded. Such a great loss. Pathetic but great."
I hold up both of my hands. Gaspard's heart and Michael's. "So small aren't they. Yet so very powerful." I blow on Michael's. "So easy to destroy." It turns to dust and slips through my fingers to the floor.
I look from my hands to his. "Return." The hearts he holds fade and disappear simultaneously followed by twin gasps of breath. I look up to him and hold out Gaspard's heart. "Take it."
My fangs distend and I dig them into his wrist harder than necessary, but I'm not sure I want the truth yet knowing I will never rest till I know. His love for me washes over me causing me to moan and close my eyes.
My hand covering his and pressing his wrist farther onto my fangs. His wish for death before losing me makes my body tremble but then I taste his love for my father, the love he still feels, how I remind him of Father and how sometimes he would rather I'd never been made.
I growl as I push his arm away from my mouth. Standing he slips from my lap and I spit into the fire - the flames rising with white hot anger. My love for him keeps me from granting his wish before I leave.
Using my arm I wipe his blood from my mouth. "I wish you could turn back time as well my love!"
I cringe at the hardness I feel in his voice knowing it is from all the hurt I have inflicted. I stand and move toward him. I don't have the strength to fight him if he would choose that option but I know I have to stop him. "Paul do not leave me. Please. I would give up all of this for you. I love you."
I clench my jaw and close my eyes as feel him so close. I want to feel his arms around me, feel his lips on me, his body commanding mine... I want to be the only one in his heart. But I know I am not.
Remembering Samaul's words I open my eyes and look into the fire, "You may well have too. Samaul said I have a purpose, but did not explain. He knows how I - how much I love you and how I would give my life for Father to come back to you."
I turn and look at him, "He said you have had the power to bring him back all along. I confessed I would die for your happiness - it pleased him. So tell me Gaspard, you know these Archangels better than I, what is my purpose?"
My heart clenches at the coldness I feel when he speaks to me. His love spilling with his words but at the same time they drips with anger and hurt.
I reach out and take his arm in my hand as I step in front of him. "I know they lie Paul. I have learned that the hard way. To get what they want they will promise and say anything, do anything. You cannot trust anything Samael said to you."
I reach my other hand up to cup his cheek. "It would not make me happy to lose you."
Holding my hands up I transform and speak in a booming voice, "There will be no fighting within our own ranks!"
I watch as Lord Christopher's clan begin to settle themselves between us and them. Valentin standing behind Ice Cold. I can tell by the look on Nicholas' face he is very concerned about this.
Before I can say anything else Kenta slips from the wall and raises an eyebrow at the gathering asking if we were having an orgy without him. I growl and he snickers and gives me his half-smile.
His son Sasha address' him and tells him what has happened... and what Valentin said about Michael. Ice Cold and the rest of reptiles begin to hiss and Sasha's coven begin to snarl.
A bright light interrupts the tension and there before us stands Gaspard. Kenta does not hide Gaspard's either gall or stupidity. "Balls of a dragon!"
But it is Paul's appearance behind Gaspard that draw's my attention. I do not trust him anymore than I trust his brother - or Gaspard. Taking a step closer I growl, "If you've come to make amends Gaspard, it is to
( ... )
I look around me and take in the room full of Demons. I should have drank more from Paul. And this would have been much easier if Paul had not followed me. Nevertheless I straighten myself up and prepare for some negotiation. I eye Gabriel. "You wish to banish him for a simple temper tantrum. Come now Gabriel if it has come to that then half of your clan would be banished already. In particular your wolves."
I dig inside the pocket of what is left of my charred coat and take out my cigarettes as I talk. "And as for me making amends. Please do inform me as to what has caused this sudden distrust." I take one of my cigarettes out and wave it in the direction of Paul. "The words of a jealous boy." I pray Paul realises what I am doing and keeps his temper down. I wave my cigarette towards Lord Christopher's clan. "Or the words of an interloper who comes uninvited to my den and takes something of mine for himself."
I follow him unsure of what he is about to do. When I find myself back at Gabriel's, I fear for Valentin.
I do not give a damn what Gabriel thinks or says but I keep silent and wait to see exactly what Gaspard is doing. When he turns his attention to the reptile and his clan, I stay silent knowing his words will ignite violence... I wonder why.
My anger spreads to my family and instantly they all transform. Hissing, snarling and growls fill the room. Staying in human form I reach back and place a hand gently on Valentin.
My tongue flickering in and out as a warning a hiss, "Ssss'how dare you claim he isss yoursss! Becaussse of you he sssuffered not only physssical pain, but the anguissssh of losssst family!"
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I stand and take him in. I am unsure what to do as he is my Lord I cannot attack him. "Lord Paul! Where is Lord Gaspard? What are you doing?!"
They all turn and look at us, all except Lord Paul, "Sss'he hasss learned the truth. Lord Gassspard isssnot to be trussted - thisss war mussst ssstop."
My loyalty ultimately lies with Lord Gaspard and suddenly I get the sense I am in the enemies den. I answer the pull and with that I am gone and back in the bunker.
I move to his side. "Do not listen to him anymore in your dreams - you must not sleep!"
Pulling him away from that demon I hold him tightly and move away from them, "They do not understand us... we have to do this together!"
Suddenly my mind is filled with thoughts of Gaspard, pain, despair... I shake my head, "NO! Get out of my thoughts! I hate you!"
In answer to the question I swallow the pain I feel rising inside me as their united love for one another surrounds me. "I will get you into Gaspard's bunker... but I want the other half of my father's heart first!"
Dan also voices his distrust and urges that we should capture him and take him back to the order. I tell him to have patience. There is also innocence in his aura, he has not killed. Gaspard has kept him safe from persecution.
"Why would you turn on one you love? How can you guarantee us that this is not a trap?"
I look at the beautiful one and open my mind, "Read me! Read my true desire!"
My hands turn to fire. A ring of flames surround the hearts but do not touch them - yet.
Go fuck yourself.
I chuckle.
Don't listen to him Paul he is playing with you!
"I assure you Gaspard I am not playing. I intend to give him what he wants. As long as he is sure he really wants it. Now be quiet so we can finish this."
I look up and hold my other hand out. "Ramiel if you don't mind... you know what I want." I lean my head down and whisper in Gaspard's ear. "Any last words for your young love.."
The space around my hand glows bright gold briefly then I am holding what young Paul is after.
Kill me.
I answer him in a whisper. "My pleasure." Then quickly and easily I dig my fingers all the way through his heart so I have a good grip and pull my hand out of his chest along with his heart.
I watch in horror as Gaspard slips from his hand and his heart is in Samael's hand. My eyes dart to the half heart in his other hand but it doesn't seem to matter anymore!
"Put it back now or I will crush these two hearts! Do it now!"
I stop just in front of him. "Your father was one of the best.. until blinded by his. He achieved one of the highest positions. A seat by the makers side.. but as an Archangel he was supposed to forsake love. It has no place in the higher realms. Yet along comes your vampire and off the rails he goes, blinded. Such a great loss. Pathetic but great."
I hold up both of my hands. Gaspard's heart and Michael's. "So small aren't they. Yet so very powerful." I blow on Michael's. "So easy to destroy." It turns to dust and slips through my fingers to the floor.
I look from my hands to his. "Return." The hearts he holds fade and disappear simultaneously followed by twin gasps of breath. I look up to him and hold out Gaspard's heart. "Take it."
My hand covering his and pressing his wrist farther onto my fangs. His wish for death before losing me makes my body tremble but then I taste his love for my father, the love he still feels, how I remind him of Father and how sometimes he would rather I'd never been made.
I growl as I push his arm away from my mouth. Standing he slips from my lap and I spit into the fire - the flames rising with white hot anger. My love for him keeps me from granting his wish before I leave.
Using my arm I wipe his blood from my mouth. "I wish you could turn back time as well my love!"
Remembering Samaul's words I open my eyes and look into the fire, "You may well have too. Samaul said I have a purpose, but did not explain. He knows how I - how much I love you and how I would give my life for Father to come back to you."
I turn and look at him, "He said you have had the power to bring him back all along. I confessed I would die for your happiness - it pleased him. So tell me Gaspard, you know these Archangels better than I, what is my purpose?"
I reach out and take his arm in my hand as I step in front of him. "I know they lie Paul. I have learned that the hard way. To get what they want they will promise and say anything, do anything. You cannot trust anything Samael said to you."
I reach my other hand up to cup his cheek. "It would not make me happy to lose you."
I watch as Lord Christopher's clan begin to settle themselves between us and them. Valentin standing behind Ice Cold. I can tell by the look on Nicholas' face he is very concerned about this.
Before I can say anything else Kenta slips from the wall and raises an eyebrow at the gathering asking if we were having an orgy without him. I growl and he snickers and gives me his half-smile.
His son Sasha address' him and tells him what has happened... and what Valentin said about Michael. Ice Cold and the rest of reptiles begin to hiss and Sasha's coven begin to snarl.
A bright light interrupts the tension and there before us stands Gaspard. Kenta does not hide Gaspard's either gall or stupidity. "Balls of a dragon!"
But it is Paul's appearance behind Gaspard that draw's my attention. I do not trust him anymore than I trust his brother - or Gaspard. Taking a step closer I growl, "If you've come to make amends Gaspard, it is to ( ... )
I dig inside the pocket of what is left of my charred coat and take out my cigarettes as I talk. "And as for me making amends. Please do inform me as to what has caused this sudden distrust." I take one of my cigarettes out and wave it in the direction of Paul. "The words of a jealous boy." I pray Paul realises what I am doing and keeps his temper down. I wave my cigarette towards Lord Christopher's clan. "Or the words of an interloper who comes uninvited to my den and takes something of mine for himself."
I do not give a damn what Gabriel thinks or says but I keep silent and wait to see exactly what Gaspard is doing. When he turns his attention to the reptile and his clan, I stay silent knowing his words will ignite violence... I wonder why.
My anger spreads to my family and instantly they all transform. Hissing, snarling and growls fill the room. Staying in human form I reach back and place a hand gently on Valentin.
My tongue flickering in and out as a warning a hiss, "Ssss'how dare you claim he isss yoursss! Becaussse of you he sssuffered not only physssical pain, but the anguissssh of losssst family!"
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