I was randomly browsing channels last night, as sleep is still reluctant to be with me. I suddenly then came to the MYX channel. Their Miley Cyrus documentary, "We Can't Stop Miley" was what was being shown that hour. The show focuses on Miley's career, from being the girl from Hannah Montana, then the girl who likes to party in the USA, the girl who can't be tamed, to the woman who can't be stopped as she transitioned to a more mature image. As someone who's watched Miley's career ever since the Hannah Montana era (since i'm a Disney baby. I'm as old as Miley but I grew up watching Lizzy McGuire and Even Steven. ;D) I felt that her transition from her Hannah Montana days to her rather racy look now, is the same as watching someone grow up. I cannot say entirely that I like what she looks right now, (though I must admit she nailed that blonde hair) but I can say that her music is good. The music that she makes is good, her songs are catchy and are garnering a lot of attention right now. And that is her main goal, attention to her music. Her image transition rather happened fluidly, imho. Ever since, we've seen a wild part of this kid, as we've seen her in leaked racy and rated pictures of her online. Then came Can't Be Tamed where she expressed that there's a wild person inside of her waiting to be unleashed. The kid is rather wild, ya know. ;D Image aside, the new Miley is still the Miley who's very vulnerable, friendly, a good pal. She's the same old her. It's only her image that has changed. People misunderstand her often as she's such an open book. She expresses what she wants though her songs and her image. I hope those people who judge her unfairly watch that documentary, so they'd understand Cyrus better.
Random post is random.