Unit 4 Discussion
says David Templeton, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and as quoted on
California Green Solutions (a website for green Californian's?) and in summary, I say:
First of all, just who IS John Kanzius? and what is his vocation? Why is he in a chemistry lab and where is that lab? Does he work there? What is his interest in cancer cell burning? And since the article I first found was dated September 2007, where is the research now on BOTH his cancer burning generator and his sea-water-for-fuel research? Believe me, when I catch up with my homework, I plan to find as many answers to these questions as possible. But for now, my curiosity is curbed by a national phenomenon I have recently been awakened to. (Please, allow me to digress for a moment...)
If there is sufficient excitement that this may well be an alternative to slavery to gasoline-oil-crisis-fuel-prices-green-problems, wouldn't the scientists be ALL OVER THIS research, working around the clock with experiments trying to prove or disprove the use of seawater as fuel? And would they not have this question refined down to a few more consistent lab results until production? Would there not be fifty-bah-zillion labs working on the facilities to produce this alternative? OR!!!!! Would the government do its stealthy magic and hide the truths from us? (I'm sorry -- flashbacks to story of Henry Ford and corn fuel...) AND I canNOT wait to go see what they're saying about this on
Junk Science.... But I can't go there just now.
Whoever John Kanzius is, he (with his colleagues) has stumbled upon a way to use seawater to convert to fuel. It seems that Mr. Kanzius is doing research on a cancer-cell killing machine. Mr. K's machine is a radio-frequency generator. Rustum Roy, a Penn State University chemist, set out to prove or disprove this discovery. Nay-sayers suspected that Mr. K had slipped electrodes into the mix to make fire.
But the chemist from Penn has seen for himself what happened. I quote from the newspaper author, article cited above:
"Dr. Roy said the salt water isn't burning per se, despite appearances. The radio frequency actually weakens bonds holding together the constituents of salt water -- sodium chloride, hydrogen and oxygen -- and releases the hydrogen, which, once ignited, burns continuously when exposed to the RF energy field. Mr. Kanzius said an independent source measured the flame's temperature, which exceeds 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, reflecting an enormous energy output."
We should "get this" because of our lessons lately, no? Dr. Roy calls this discovery "the most remarkable in water science in 100 years." Then, of course, come the disclaimers about how long it will take and how much money it will cost to research further. Oh, yay, let's get the government involved! *rolls eyes* (approached: the U.S. Dept of Energy and the U.S. Dept of Defense...) *please don't misunderstand my disdain for government involvement, it's just that dynamic about what benefit or loss the government would sustain if we solve the oil crises that concerns me...but that is another discussion ALTOGETHER!*
Please -- do yourself a favor and read the articles if they interest you in the very least, as it is fascinating! Meanwhile, I go finish homework, then I go look around more so I can answer all the questions flying around my head from this one...