(no subject)

Sep 16, 2007 13:06

It's been a long time since I've posted anything real. I haven't been busy exactly, but things have been done and decisions have been made.

In my head I have already begun saying goodbye to Baltimore. I visited Boston and loved it (pictures here). I haven't decided 100% that I'm moving there necessarily, but I'm part of the way there. And just being away from here and happy for a week pointed up just how not myself I have been since I moved here. I feel like everything interesting in me has stagnated since I moved here. Honestly, it probably goes farther back than that, to when I was still in Cleveland. At least there I still had occasional flashes of me though. So I've decided to sign a 6 month lease to get me through my 1 year mark at work and into decent moving weather again, even though I don't know exactly where I'm going right now.

I've gotten very used to being alone since I've moved here. I suppose this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Living on my own without any behavioral expectations from other people has let me figure out some more of who I am. I've gotten better (by necessity really) at being by myself too. I managed to eat out alone at dinner on vacation with minimal self-consciousness for the first time. It wasn't as enjoyable as with company of course, but I can do it now. Lunch out by myself I could do before this, but dinner was more of a mental hurdle. In my mind it sort of points more to 'look at the girl eating by herself because she has no friends' than to 'she's eating by herself on her lunch break because everyone she knows is busy/at work'.

I was sitting on a beach in Cape Cod towards the end of my vacation when I had another realization. I pretty much hadn't talked to anyone for an entire week outside of polite day-to-day remarks to strangers/cashiers/etc. And it took me a week to even notice this. That's...I don't know how I feel about that. It's a mix of 'okay, yay, I'm self-sufficient' and 'omg, I have taken independent to an unhealthy level'.

I seem to be entering another motivated phase, probably due to the feeling of acutally moving foward in life that my vacation sparked. I'm signing up for some random fun classes. For real this time, hopefully. No emotional freakouts and cancellations this time. *crosses fingers* Salsa aerobics to get me off my ass and guitar to keep me occupied through the winter and bring me back into music, which I find I really miss.

Supernatural is still ruling my brain. Now have both seasons on DVD. (And can I just say that I *love* that Eric Kripke is a huge fanboy on the dvd commentaries? And whoever said that Jensen Ackles full on laughing at something lights up the room was dead on correct.) It's a good thing that I came into this late, because I'm conveniently finishing getting caught up just as season 3 is about to start. I think I might go nuts if I had to wait for an entire summer for new episodes like everyone who was wisely watching from the beginning had to. This is actually approaching the level of BtvS/AtS glee, which I don't think even SGA has managed to do.

Am vaguely disappointed in Doctor Who S3. Not enough to stop watching it, but it's lost something and I can't put my finger on what it is. I just don't buy the friendship between the Doctor and Martha like I did the Doctor and Rose.

Looking forward to new seasons of Bones, House, and SGA. Heroes too I suppose, though I nearly forgot about it until it came up in someones LJ. And BSG I guess, though I never really get into that until I'm actually watching the episode, and then I'm all 'hey, this is pretty good!'. I'm not sure what that's about.

Read HP 7 when it came out of course. Had it preordered from Amazon and done that first weekend. Liked it for the most part. The ending seemed sort of abrupt to me. Like 'ok, war's over...now 19 years later and everything is hunky dory!'. Kind of thought Harry was a huge doof for most of the book too - and then he just sort of instantly figures out most of what he's been searching for during the last 200 pages? Thought that was a bit awkward. But overall a fun read, any other minor quibbles I'm content with ignoring.

Finally read "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman like I've been meaning to for months. It was perfect for my frame of mind while on vacation and meshed well with my SPN obsession right now. Now I need to track down and read "Anansi Boys".

Before that, read "Never Hit a Jellyfish with a Spade" by Guy Browning, which is just hilarious. And also was a perfect casual read for pulling out at random moments, as it is a collection of newspaper columns, so each one is separate and just a few pages long. Good for reading when you get interrupted a lot - like at work for instance...
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