Sense and Courtesy; or, the Rules Post.

Mar 15, 2011 21:26

Come on, I wanna prompt something! What is it now?

Oh, just the rules.

This is a kink meme. There's going to be inflammatory content on here for someone. It's a given; we're all different, and we all like different things. Which is great when you're playing Apples to Apples, but on a kink meme, it can get messy. So.

No flaming.

I'm sorry, couldn't you hear me? I'll say it again, since it's got to be one of the most, if not the most, important rule towards keeping a kink meme from imploding.


There, now they can hear me in Canada. Seriously, though, hateful comments of any kind, be they towards people, stereotypes, kinks, or anything else, will NOT be tolerated. They will be deleted and their spewer (if logged in) will be given a warning. If the comments persist, the user will be banned. If you suspect a troll behind a prompt, comment, or anything else, don't feed it. Tell me through a PM. If this meme gets enough traffic, I'll set up a Page-a-Mod post so that anons can alert me of misfires, trolls, and so on without me having to hunt for them or them having to unmask.

I sound like a tyrant, but I'm really, really not. Better to be harsh here than to have to snipe flame wars out of the sky.

Okay, fine, geez. I'll keep a civil tongue in my head. Anything else?

Almost anything goes. Keyword: almost. In compliance with the laws where I live, any prompts where people are both under the age of sixteen and in sexual situations will be deleted with an apologetic note. I know it sounds hypocritical, but it has nothing to do with me, guys. Sixteen's the age of consent, and there's been a lot of very messy legal debate on whether fictional characters having sex (under the age of consent) constitutes child pornography, and I just... am not gonna get into that. I don't mind if it's referenced in a fill, but nothing explicit. Other than that, prompt whatever you like!

Seriously? Anything? ...Uh, pretend I haven't got a clue what I'm doing. How do I prompt something?

Yeah, you and your hypothetical friend with a rhyming name, I bet. No worries. Click "Leave a comment", type your pairing/threesome/moresome (in alphabetical order, please) and a two- or three-word key phrase for what you want. In the comment box, elaborate on the phrase/pairing a bit, so that potential fillers know what they're looking for. Bonus points can also be added: things that are optional, but that the OP (original prompter) would like to see, if it fits with the fill. For instance, the example prompt from the Welcome Post would look something like this:
Sam/Sara, tickling

During one of their visits home, Sam pounces on Sarah and tickles her.

Bonus: John watches, amused.
See? Simple. If your elaboration is more than a couple paragraphs (say you're describing an AU scenario), then after everything, please include a one-or-two sentence TLDR (too long, didn't read). Ideally it should read like you're talking to your friend with the attention span of a goldfish (you know the one).

Hey, that doesn't look too hard. I could do that. Are you done yet? I have a really cool idea already!

Hold your horses, one last thing. Obviously a set up like this is a two-way street. If a round fills up with all prompts and no fills, then it's a pointless exercise. After you post your marvelous idea, look around and see if anything else inspires you. Before you say, "But I'm not a writer," well, you'd be surprised. A hint: if the OP specifically says that something or other is his/her "bulletproof kink", it means that they will love it not matter how much you butcher the actual fill, unless it's completely unintelligible. If you're one of the "not-writers" and you see that phrase... I double-dog dare you to go for it.

rules, read before prompting, we interrupt this broadcast

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