Prompting Post One of LorienKink

Mar 18, 2011 21:05

Prompting Post One

Why, hello there, anons!  This is the very first, not-so-blinkingly-innocent Prompting Post of the Lorien Legacies Kink Meme!
The General Rules:

  • Anon posting isn't required, but it is definitely allowed.
  • Literally any kind of fill is accepted.  Fic, art, vid, music, anything.  Heck, if you want to get together with your friends and make snowflakes out of ngonal pieces of paper to fill a prompt, that's fine.  Just make sure it has at least something to do with whatever the prompt was.  Also, you have cool friends.
  • Please read through the current post to see if what you're prompting has already been done or asked for.  If this meme gets to over, say, 500 comments (not prompts, just comments), then some sort of archiving system will be started up, most likely a Delicious account.  Prompts that are repetitive (i.e., that are the same basic idea with no or just a few details tweaked) will be frozen with an explanation to alert the prompter, and most likely deleted/replaced with a link to the other.
  • However, if a prompt was in a previous Post, has no fill or promise of a fill, and doesn't look like it's going to get one anytime soon, then you can repost it in the current Post.  Just make sure you put some variant of "Repost!" in the subject line, so people don't try to link you to the previous one (I put this in here simply so I don't forget it later on; of course, there is no previous Post.)
  • Prompt as much as you like!  We love prompting.  But also poke around the rest of the meme to see if there are any prompts that inspire you.  Memes of any kind don't work if everyone prompts and nobody fills.
  • While your mod and your fellow memegoers are both (hopefully) very much in favor of open-mindedness (YKINMK, ATOK), due to the laws where the mod lives, and the ones in Ohio, there can be no minors (16 and under) placed in explicit sexual situations.  The debate over whether that's child pornography is a messy one, and... yeah, not fun.  For the sake of the meme, we'll assume that our (high school age) main characters are above the age of consent in OH (that is, 16).  If a prompt requests, say, childhood sexual abuse in a character's past, and it's discussed in the fill, then it should be fine, as long as there's nothing explicit.
  • Any comment that contains derogatory statements, hate speech, bullying, shaming, or bashing of any kind towards a kink, fill, prompt, person, group, or anything else will be deleted.  Full stop.  This is a safe, fun place to read and request fanfic, art, and anything else.  Let's keep it that way! 

If enough interest, and therefore prompts, are generated, a filled prompts post or other archiving system will be set up.  As of yet (3/18/11), there is no such system in place.

A Word (About) Warnings:
Some kinds of prompts will inevitably be triggery to those who view them.  Please include a warning in your subject line if your prompt includes anything like that, in the form of "Warning: [insert trigger here]."  A great list of things to warning for can be found here, on InceptionKink. (Everything said there applies here, as well.)  Think about how you're wording your prompt for a second before you hit submit.  If everyone in the world had your kink, and everyone knew it was your prompt, would you still word it like that?

That Said:
There will be prompts that offend you.  I don't know what they are, but neither does the prompter, so please don't attack them.  They have the right to ask for potentially touchy things - just as you have the right to scroll past those things you don't like.

Ask the Mod!

For Simplicity's Sake:
Please use these names when referring to the respective characters in third-person narrative or prompts.  In speech and first person, use whatever the speaking/narrating characters knows them as.
  • Four (not John)
  • Six (not Jane)
  • Sam Goode
  • Sarah Hart
  • Mark James
  • Henri (not Brandon)
Hopefully this will spare some confusion.  Thank you!  Now go forth and prompt!

(Format is heavily borrowed from/inspired by both the Inception and Sherlock BBC Kink Memes.  Thanks to the mods at both for helping me set this up!)

post one, prompting post

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