I have a very serious thoughts re: Chuck.
So Casey is drifting away from Team Bartowski and is secretly getting his own team. And Morgan kinda knows about it, and has also moved in with him. I just can't help but think The Casey and Morgan show is for serious getting its own spin-off.
Yes, I know it's terribly improbable, and not just because shows that were very recently un-cancelled do not get spin-offs. But still. If the New Team does not turn out to be evil in three episodes or less, I'm totally calling it.
In non-spoilery news, I've been making my way from the beginning of the series via Blockbuster. Except there seems to be someone else in town doing the same thing, but just ahead of me AND VERY SLOWLY. I just came home with disc 3 (of 6) of season 2, and I'm tempted to just skip ahead to season 3 and come back later. Someone convince me of the necessity of sticking it out and watching in order (um, except for the current season, which I'm watching concurrently).
Unrelatedly, there was a huge ugly libertarian car parked in my spot tonight. Well, I don't know if the car itself has political views, but someone, presumably the owner, has covered it in Ron Paul stickers and the like. Why does the free market not want me to park directly in front of my door? WHYYYYY???
Also, I have not had any pi(e) today. Woe!