Our adventure was amazing. I'm so glad we were smart enough to document it all, even though we weren't really thinking. Happy Birthday katie! I hope you really do like your present because you cam now see what we went through, all for YOU! Oh and P.S. I'm driving next time
Doesn't surprise me that Rainy almost got into accidents...hopefully it stays that way so u don't actually get into one! Dude once again, I'm driving, so u can take pics hahaha. We need to figure out Pro's B-day! Crazy adventure yo, and it all started with some coffee!
She's partying the whole weekend so I have no idea; I'm sad :( We'll have to organize something TOGETHER! As u know i can't do anything by myself hahaha (hence our collaboration in yb! thanks by the way)
Comments 14
and oh cappy! <3 he is always with us!
all this adventure! for moi?
merci!! <3333333
too bad my mom didnt approve of the beaver hat
hahahahahaha i really wish i couldve been there, but now at least i kind of feel like i was
ske ske ske motherfuckaaaa
and we can have another, similar-but-better (because YOU are there) adventure down to good ol' mill... you need to spend your $ duh! but when?! (soon)
"get low" will definitely be on the soundtrack. :o)
and pro's bday... what/where/when have *you* decided, oh party planner?
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