I'm really frustrated. I'm not sure why people aren't interested in me. I feel like I only end up showing the outside surface of my personality, that I only get to wear the face I use to entertain people or to get attention. Well I'm really sick of that. It feels like there is nobody close enough or interested enough to be serious with. Even people who I have close relationships with don't ever get much past the surface with me. I'm tired and I feel misunderstood. What am I supposed to do to make things work in the right direction? It feels like the more I manipulate things the easier the controls slip and derail.
I wish I had music or writing that could satisfy me so I had some kind of outlet to let loose on. I don't have the right friends to do the kinds of activities that make me feel free and wild. I don't have the motivation to build in the way that channels my frustration into creativity. I'll just sit here, shake my head, and sigh.