~YO!!~what's up bloggie? I haven't updated you for awhile..anyway...I just want to update you about the special events that had happened in my life these past few months..GOD!!!!>_____________<~ I haven't updated you for too long!!~GOOD THING!you're still alive!!XDD
~well I just want to share to you my experiences in my field trip..
---- Last September 30, 2010 (Thursday), the MOST AWAITED FIELD TRIP in MY SENIOR YEAR, happened!XDD..And it's way~way~too fun!!
Our field trip was in "Paradise Adventure Camp" in San Del Monte, Bulacan. It was a camping site, resort, and a retreat house too. Actually, I had gone there last year but I didn't enjoy our excursion trip that time. But now, it's different! It is VERY VERY VERY VERY FUN!~ECSTATIC!
We arrived in the camping site around 8 AM. The first thing that we did was to settle our bags, foods, and prepare our cameras, and any valuable things. Our class, (IV - St. Cecilia 2010-2011 ), was divided into two groups. I was group with Yeon Su Kim( my Korean Best friend since Grade 6). By the way bloggie, she is also my partner in the bus.XD.. Back to the main story...
Our first activity mainly focuses on "Developing Teamwork" and "Our Body Strength". The first activity was called "Inclined Wall". The main objective of this game is to use our strength in climbing up the inclined wall with the use of the rope provided for us to pull. It's really difficult! On my first trial, I had almost reach the top but then, I slipped so I ended up falling back to the floor again.
It's so painful! TT_________TT..
I was bruised and there were lots of scratches visible on my skin.
But even though I was bruised enough with this activity, I still didn't give up and I tried it once again.
ALAS! I had reached the top!SUCCESS! I WAS ABLE TO CLIMB UP TO THE INCLINED WALL!!~yippeee!XDD..>:D<..=))..>u<..
But still, our team had lose the game because we weren't able to climb up the inclined wall successfully like our opponent did.
The second activity was called "The Uranium Experiment". In this game, we are blindfolded with a handkerchief and the leader of the team is the only one who is allowed to removed her blindfold and serve as our guide in dealing with this game. The rule of this game is simple. Whoever comes first in shooting the center of the metal plate into the pipe, wins the game. This game requires a lot of mental concentration since everyone must cooperate well in order for us to hear clearly; the instructions given to us by our leader. In our team, the leader is "Patricia Soriano (Matutz)". With her help + our 100% concentration = VICTORY! yes! you heard it right bloggie!~ we won the game this time!XD
The next thing we did was marvelous!~ Our class was separated once again and we, the group 2 , is heading to the most adrenaline-rush activity I had never even tried in my entire life!! you know what that is bloggie? IT'S...IT'S....
"RAPELLING"!!!!!!~ KYAAAAAAAH!!!!!~>__________<~>o<~...
and of course!~ the activity that I am anticipating the most..."ZIPLINE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
Those 2 activities are the ones who made me feel excited, panic, happy, and nervous! I mean... Various feelings had empowered me and I don't know what to do anymore!!XDD
The first thing I tried out was "Rapelling".It's soo exciting! I was scared at first but then.."EXCITEMENT" succumbed my body the most and I wasn't scared anymore!! I feel so FULFILLED!xDDDD..
After that.. I tried the "ZIPLINE"..The most tantalizing experience ever!~I am really afraid to try this activity but I'm excited at the same time too. We were positioned like a "SuperMan" and we held our breath like there's no tomorrow. ~xDDD
And when the facilitator had pushed me, I started to move downwards and i was like
"KYAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I LOVE YOU LEE DONGHAE!!~♥♥♥..>o<..>u<.." ..
and when I reached the other end of the line, my legs are shaking badly~ but i FELT SO GOOD!!~ I WANT TO DO IT AGAIN!!XDD..>u<..
After that, we ate lunch. It's like a feast! Many of us brought foods!!desserts, viands, kimpop, foods of any kind!!>u<.. Although there was a heavy rainfall, we're so fulfilled and satisfied because of the FOODS!!~ >u<
Then..we played volleyball.. It's not the usual volleyball you play all the time because instead of using our hands, we used blankets instead to throw the ball to other side of the net.. Heavy rainfall had started to dropped towards us and we still played despite this unexpected situation. It's very fun yet so dirty and muddY!>___<..T>T..
After that..the most exciting part..."SWIMMING"!!!!!!!!!!~>u<~!!
ONLY SENOR STUDENTS WERE ALLOWED TO USED THE POOL AND HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!~>u<~ and the rain still continued to pour down unto us..:))..SO MAJESTIC!!XDDD~
Around 4PM, we left the camp and went home..We arrived around 6PM in the school and it's very dark!+________+