
Jan 26, 2004 21:56

Breakfast: Two Eggs and Toast. Total Carbs = 6g ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

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lose_it_in_03 January 26 2004, 19:16:03 UTC
ive done Atkins before, but had to stop because I became Ill. At the time, I didnt do much exercise. Working now is a good workout, not exactly exercise but I mean its a workout


shinetr January 26 2004, 19:19:55 UTC
yo my thing is deleted..


lose_it_in_03 January 26 2004, 20:08:43 UTC
what thing is deleted?


stayawayclose January 26 2004, 19:18:01 UTC
hang in there champ. just b/c you hit a plateau, doesn't mean it's all over. sometimes that happens... and when you lose a certain amount + stay there for a bit, that's usually your body telling you that it's adjusting, or learning how to function differently, or you've hit your correct bodyweight. don't forget to drink water :)


lose_it_in_03 January 26 2004, 20:09:17 UTC
lots of water


stayawayclose January 27 2004, 05:30:15 UTC

9 gallons!


outofreachx January 27 2004, 05:35:37 UTC
no >:O


hey! xtremeshortmami January 26 2004, 19:29:23 UTC
If that happens honey, just start over again.. Thats what you always do. Lose it and just go again. Im still proud of you. Not me- thats hard phew!


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