i just updated but im bored.. so i stole thsi form gabby

Jun 28, 2005 23:15

[my name is]: mandy
[people call me]: mandy, mandypants, nelson
[in the morning]: its so hard to get out of bed
[love is]: i really don't know
[if i could see one person right now]: dawn
[tall or short]: 5'6ish
[born]: september
[sibs]: one annoying brother
[righty or lefty]: lefty


[been in love]: no
[given someone a bath]: my brother when he was younger
[smoked]: no
[bungee jumped]: no
[broken the law]: yes
[skinny dipped]: no
[cried to get out of trouble]: who hasn't
[fallen for the wrong girl/guy]: yeah
[cut your own hair]: no i'd be sacred i'd mess it up
[been mean]: definitley
[stalked someone]: no
[been sarcastic]: all the time
[talked to someone]: noooo
[hugged someone]: yeah
[fought with parents]: all the time
[skipped school]: yeah
[kept a secret from everyone]: yes
[had an imaginary friend]: i don't remember
[Cried during a flick]: of course.. i cried in 13 going on 30

W i T H T H E O P P O S i T E S E X

[what do u notice first?]: hair
[turn on-looks]: long hair, cute smile
[turn on-personality]: sense of humor, not too quick to judge
[turn off-looks]: gangster style
[turn off-personality]: cockiness, labeling people
[hair length]: long hair is my weakness, but short can be ok
[best height]: taller than me
[best weight]: not like obese, not wayyy skinny.  skinny is good but chubby is too


[last called]: mom
[last emailed]: i don't get emails
[last mailed letter]: i don't get letters
[went to the mall w/ u]: dawn
[makes you laugh the most?]: dawn, rach, missy
[easier to talk to: boys or girls ?]: lately the girls
[have you known the longest]: i don't know
[do you cry with]: definitely dawn

W O R D A S S O C i A T i O N

[red]: rose
[cow]: bell
[grass]: green
[blue]: sky
[mirror]: image
[cracker]: white person
[zine]: magazine
[jelly]: bean

T H i S O R T H A T

[day/night]: night
[summer/winter]: summer
[lace/satin]: lace
[tape/cd]: cd
[lust/love]: love
[on phone/in person]: phone
[gold/silver]: gold
[scary/happy movies]: all

F A V O R i T E

[color]: orange
[holiday]: halloween
[shampoo]: garnie fructis
[furniture]: my bed
[number]: 3
[emotion]: happy, when your doing something bad and you get that nervous crazy exciting rush
[food]: ice cream
[drink]: water
[fast food]: wendys
[school subject]: photography
[animal]: fish are cool
[sport to play]: swimmming?
[sport to watch]: baseball
[flower]: lilies
[language]: english
[weekend activity]: being with my friends
[rollercoaster]: i love them all, but the alpengeist is my absolute favorite
[font]: verdana
[store]: forver 21

H A V E Y O U / / D O Y O U / / A R E Y O U

[take a shower everyday]: yeahh
[like high school]: not really
[want to get married]: down the road
[believe in yourself]: i try
[get motion sickness]: not really
[have high self esteem]: i guess
[get along w/ your parents]: not really
[like thunder storms]: yeah
[sit on the computer waiting for someone special to get on?]: no
[done something u regret]: no, sometimes i regret not doing things
[color ur hair]: highlights
[ever get off the computer]: yes


[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: sunsets
[physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional i guess
[is cheerleading a sport?]: surely
[schools gone to]: wade elementary, jennifer elementary, mattawoman middle, westlake
[last film seen in theatre]: the longest year
[what do you eat for breakfast?]: cereal if i eat it at all
[bedtime]: nine, ten during school... and in the summer it depends on stuff
[best feature]: i do not know

F i N A L Q U E S T i O N S

[i love]: food nad my friends and family of course
[how do you know it's love?]: i just love my friends
[i need to]: swim more
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