Today was a good day. I went to Kaitlyn, Emily and Robin's softball game and then we went to the carnival and met up with Megs. The we ran into Dan and me and him when on the carousel and it was fun.
I love how people say they'll be something and then just...forget they ever said anything or just not be who they said they would be. I might be picking up my car later and I'll post some pictures later.
EDIT: I need to go pick up the car tomorrow at 5pm!!
Robin just called and the Locust is playing! I fucking love her to death.
I just got home from some chruch thing with Megs and my mom gives me some car book thing dad is buying me a Jetta<3333 I'm excited but idk what color to get blue or red. So help me chose!!
Tonight is the Cave In / When Dreams Die show and it's also Brian #1's birthday so yay to him and everyone left early for prom today...a gay boy is taking me to senior prom next year<3