Shout out to Ashley!! I love her she rearranged my whole live journal!
Friday- My Dad came to get me and we went to Taco Bell. Well, that was fun because my teeth killed. No, but I had to eat Taco Bell because I haven't had it in so long. Then we just went home and I went to bed as soon as I got there. I was so tired.
Saturday- I got up around 9 to the sound of MCR (Helena) I don't really like that song out of all of theirs but I do love the video. Mikey and Frank look absolutely gorgeous. Then I called Amara around 11 and her Mom said I could come over anytime. So I went over there after I got done getting ready. I got there at around 1:30 and I realized that Jeremy was having a party because he was turning 18. Anyways, me and Amara went over to this guy Jeremy's house, but not her brothers, lol. And Tony and other people were there. Everybody started arriving and Robert had been there (Robert equals, abolutely beautiful guy.) We played Twister, which was great. Everytime I played I ended up having to play with bigger people so I had a ton of big asses in my face. Except for the all girls round, which was so funny. Then I started to get bored so I just hung out in the back room. Dustin (another beautiful guy) finally arrived. I was like DUDE, HE IS SO GORGEOUS really loud. It was great. When me and Amara went to go to bed we found Dustin and Robert in our beds. And this kid Jon was like hiding underneath our bed, I was like dude, if you stayed there the whole night the only thing you would hear me talk about was banging Dustin. Well, then this older guy Jeff came over and decided he wanted to try and get Dusting to come to his house and smoke weed, it was so retarded but I about died laughing because Jeff was drunk off his ass. Then Jeff left after a lot of stupid drama and me and Amara went to go back to bed and again Robert and Dustin were in our bed. So we just jumped on them. We finally got to go to bed after about 10 people coming in to annoy us and see if we were going to bed or not. The next morning Billy woke me up around 11:42 and Amara was still sleeping. So I went out and jumped on the futon and as soon as I sat down like 5 guys decided they wanted to lay on it too. So it was me, Dustin, Robert, D.J, Jeremy, and Jon all on this little futon. We all eventually got off and Amara woke up and we all decided to put in Resident Evil; Apocolypse. Robert was against the wall, I was against Robert, lol, Amara was next to me, Jon and Jeremy were at the end of the bed, and Dustin was on top of me and Robert. Whoa buddy, good fucking times. I think I may have been in heaven. It was so funny, Robert kept trying to grab my boob so sooner or later I gave up and he was happy. It didn't really bother me though. Dustin kept laughing everytime he looked over, he was like "Dude, your hand is permanently attatched to her boob." Robert was like "I know, it's great right, just feel it seriously. You'll know why my hand is still here." After watching Resident Evil Robert had to go, it was pretty sad. Lol, then Dustin had to go, so that was super sad, my two favorite guys of the party were gone. Thank goodness I still had Cody. So after awhile Cody was like "Are you going to take a shower?" I said no, he was like "Are you sure? I need company." Lol, it was funny. But no, of course no shower for me. Then my Dad came to pick me up and we went to my house. So here I am now, I really need to take a shower and wash some clothes, lol But I want to hang out with someone.