Jun 04, 2010 05:01
My day, in Tweets.
- 09:16 Antsyyyyyyy....... And I don't start work for like two hours.
- 13:54 New jobs = soooooooooo much paperwork. Ugh
- 19:52 Ohai 20 minute wait for my sister to bring my car back to me so I'm not stranded at Calaway Park Iike I was hoping to avoid!..........
- 19:58 Pushing 30 minutes of valuable "stuffing-my-face-because-all-I've-
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Jun 03, 2010 05:01
My day, in Tweets.
- 17:53 I might ACTUALLY run my mom over with my car. If her boyfriend wants to go out to the farm on weekends he needs to get his own car.
- 17:56 ...when I don't live here and my car isn't available to borrow then you'll just have to stay home on weekends like other people with no car.
- 18:34 Phoenix's new favorite thing to do is
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Jun 02, 2010 05:01
My day, in Tweets.
- 12:28 Driving test in TWO HOURS! EEP!
- 12:42 Next telemarketer that calls me trying to sell me a product, I'm going to ask them "Does it bounce?" @katiehead
- 17:22 Celebratory Peter's drive-in milkshakes! tweetphoto.com/25124495
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Jun 01, 2010 05:01
My day, in Tweets.
- 12:43 It's ironic that I'm stranded waiting for a bus to take me to set up my appointment for my driving test so that I don't have to take the bus
- 13:37 At La Zee Za for some lasagna with Damian, after paying for my road test permit for tomorrow!
- 14:44 Totally going to the mall now. RT @AaronCorbin: OMG the fair is at Sunridge
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May 30, 2010 05:01
My day, in Tweets.
- 07:16 I need to get up and shower but it's so cold outside my warm caccoon. Special thanks to @Computim for letting it snow (not)
- 07:21 FYI: @Computim never reads twitter so it's okay to blame him for the weather
- 08:29 why does my mother's FUCKING PRINTER never work the first time?
- 08:54 Please stop talking mom.
- 09:13 This is
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May 29, 2010 05:01
My day, in Tweets.
- 13:14 I have an interview at Calaway Park tomorrow morning to be a campground representative. Juvenile summer job ftw!
- 20:19 I think that watching Criminal Minds is more traumatic than I anticipated
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May 28, 2010 05:02
My day, in Tweets.
- 16:38 I might actually have lost it considering where I just applied for a job...........
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May 26, 2010 05:01
My day, in Tweets.
- 14:33 My dressmaker's form is here! Now for my overlock serger to get here and I've got it made...
- 19:30 It feels like the only time I get fresh air is when I go outside with Damian for a smoke, because he's the only one who goes outside.
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May 25, 2010 05:02
My day, in Tweets.
- 14:14 I'm glad at least Damian's good at the "let's play at the park" thing because I'm not.
- 14:38 The phoenix-monster just bit my leg. How rude
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