I was tagged by
mingsmommy A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
I don't follow the rules when I don't feel like it. :D
1. I have a bony knot on my forehead, same as my mother, though not as big. However, it is the same size hers
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Comments 7
#3 Are you sure you´re human? :-)
Hugs, Heike
If the men in the black suits show up at your door, don't panic. ;)
I'm allergic to my mom's cats and ONE of my sister's dogs. I'm not allergic to my own cats, or my sister's cats, but just to my mom's. Same with Dave - he's not allergic to our cats, but he is to anyone else's. It could be particular allergens in the air or the composition (I know this sounds nuts) of the dander produced by other cats. It depends on their food and other things as well.
I promise never to serve you coconut oil in any form.
I think that as my body has had to deal with increasing amounts of me ignoring its response to pain, it has found other ways to piss me off.
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