Title: The Man In Blue
Characters/Pairing: Kyuhyun/Donghae, Ninja!Kyumin
Genre: AU/Randomness/Crack?
Type: Drabble/short one-shot
Word Count: 743
Rating: G
Summary: Doraemon!Kyuhyun passing through Donghae's room... (yes, seriously)
Donghae was napping blissfully one afternoon when suddenly his desk drawer flew open. He woke up startled and fell off the bed onto the floor, butt first. There was some strange whirring noise, and something round and blue was poking out of it. His mind came up with the only possible explanation...
He frowned, remembering the manga and anime he used to watch when he was a kid. Then it occurred to him how Doraemon's head was supposed to be... bigger. Can robots lose weight? He briefly wondered.
The blue thing wriggled out further and it could be seen more clearly now that it was actually a butt covered in blue pants, the owner now straightening himself out, saying, "Hello Koreaaaaa..." and "Some calls me that. Funny name."
"But you're... How did you..." Donghae compared the man with the image of Doraemon he remembered from his childhood.
Umm. No, they did not match. Not the slightest bit. So he proceeded to freak out further. "Who are you? And what are you doing in my drawer?"
The man in the blue shirt and pants now standing in his full height right in the middle of his room, beaming down at him. "Don't worry. You're not my current object of creeping. I'm just passing by." He said nonchalantly. Then he dipped his hands into his pockets and began to take out assortments of random things: something that looks like a small bamboo fan, a flashlight, three slices of bread, a spray can, a screwdriver, a water gun,... and a big green pepper costume (yes, pepper as in green-and-red pepper, not salt-and-pepper pepper... he gave that for Donghae to hold). Donghae was in awe at how it all could fit in, and decided he wanted four-dimensional pockets too, but wondered where he could find such skillful tailor.
Then the man exclaimed A-ha! and pulled out a blue door right out of his left pocket, placing it in the middle of the room. Donghae stretched out his neck over the pepper costume to see as the man turned the knob. There was a glimpse of a green landscape with flowers and a clear blue sky. Wow, a garden. He quickly turned to look on the other side but found the back to be an ordinary door. The Anywhere Door? He thought excitedly.
The man shoved his things back into his pockets (including the pepper costume, mouthing a quick "Thanks!" at Donghae) and pushed the door open further. Donghae could feel the wind on his face, carrying certain fresh and flowery scent.
"Nice meeting you... Umm..."
"Nice meeting you, Donghae." The stranger's lips broke into a bright grin, only enhanced by the sunlight pouring out of the sky behind him. "I'm Kyuhyun."
Donghae just nodded dumbly. "Kyuhyun..." He repeated the name, forging it into his memory.
"Well then... if you'll excuse me, I have a certain Lee Sungmin to pay a visit and stalk." The man smiled and waved, and already disappeared behind the door frame before Donghae could reply, but he was caught by surprise when the brown-haired head poked out again a second later. "By the way Donghae, you don't have any plans to move out of this place, do you?"
Donghae frowned. "No..." This guy looked like he was younger and yet he was calling him without honorifics. "Why?"
"You're kinda hot. I'm paying you a visit next time." With that and a smirk the man disappeared once again, and the door locked shut behind him leaving Donghae to gape blankly from the floor.
The blue door whirred and vanished into thin air, along with the curious man in the bright grin and blue pants that was bigger on the inside. Still couldn't believe that it was all real, Donghae scurried off to open his drawer. He was disappointed to find only his books, pens, and various scraps of paper inside. Well, of course... He pondered for a moment, rapping his fingers on the wooden surface, then he pulled the drawer out and dumped the contents on the floor.
Weeks rolled by, and Donghae had kept his drawer empty. Just in case.
The man never reappeared. Donghae almost forgot about him. Until...
"I see you've cleaned out your drawers." A voice woke him up one night, a finger poking him on his shoulder. "How come you don't have any Dorayaki in your kitchen?"
A/N: This is what happens when I'm bored. And hungry. Tiiiiiny Doctor Who reference if you squint really hard. Stickfigure!Kyuhyun because inside Donghae's still a 5 y/o boy :P and I can't draw to save my life