My birthday is Friday. Another year older. A lot has happened this year.
I get to give Adam a long needed talk about how I know longer find him someone I want to think about. He feels the same I think, so it'll be a good present... this closure.
P.S. I just burnt my popcorn.
This past weekend I went to see Eisley with
It was superb amounts of fun. We went, and then Andy and I tried to get a hotel room and found no we lied to Lantzy Boy and told him we got one when we dropped him and Kayla back off at her house, so that he wouldn't worry about us...(he tends to do that). And then we drove all around Tyler at 12am trying to find a place to sleep, we finally decided to at least try the Holiday Inn Express, and they said they only had a room with a king bed left. He wasn't even supposed to rent to us, b/c we aren't 21, but it was 12:30am...and I probably looked as tired as I felt, so he told us he would.... Andy decided he didn't care how much it was b/c of how tired we were and we ended up paying 85 dollars for a hotel room. But jeese, you could have fit 5 of us in that bed. When I told Lantz the next morning he was like "WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL US?! We could have had a party in that room". It was niiiiiiice. I loved it. We then went to Ihop, and had a nice breakfast, and then to the mall, where FINALLY Lantz called and we went and got him and took him home. Last night Andy's mom and sister made homemade lasagna, it was amazing!! So good. And we all watched What Dreams May Come together. It's weird how much I'm a part of nights like that over there. I really feel apart of something when I'm with them. And it means so much to Andy that I love going and spending time with them. His mom came in one night to give me "the talk" the "you are the most important thing in my son's life, so you are important in mine...if you ever need to talk to someone I'm here." talk. And it was so sweet. I love being there with him. It's amazing how much this boy has given me, he gives and gives and doesn't even take time to second guess it. He's better to me than anyone has ever been. Blah blah blah.
So anyway, this weekend was crazy, but a good break. I love getting away with him.
This coming weekend is my I've said. And I think Friday night we are going to go eat, I want Franki, Ferrin, Danielle, and Shanno to be there too, then after we're going to the show. Then I told him I wanted to go spend some time with my family Sat. night, so we're going to go to the lake house and celebrate my birthday with my fam, and most likely staying over the night. It'll be a good weekend. Tehn the weekend after that I'm having the b-day party. It'll be great. OH AND I'M WEARING A MOFUGGIN TIARA on friday to the restraunt. I can't wait.
So yep, I wrote too much. But add this.
I've always gone to shows and watched the little "hardcore" HOTT boy, and his little girlfriend, holding hands, and wishing for that. And this weekend with my boo, standing with Andy's arm around my waste we were that. And it was better than anything I ever saw in the others. He still surprises me that he wants to be with me. This guy who is gorgeous, and fit, and TINY...wants to be with me. It's just weird. I told him on the way to Tyler that the first time I saw him I thought he was one of the most attractive boys I had ever seen... and so it surprised me that I ended up with him...but damn. I did. And every moment of these past four months has been amazing. In four months we haven't fought, we haven't yelled, we haven't gone off in anger.... if we've gotten upset, we talked about it. I don't think I could get mad at him, when I or he gets irked aobut something, he starts wanting to talk about it and then I laugh... and the moment is over. I'm too happy to spend time with any disruptions if we ever start to have one. And it's great. In 4 months we've had maybe 3 times where we need to talk. Not even argue, but just need to talk. MAYBE 3 TIMES IN 4 MONTHS!!
OK I'M DONE WRITING ABOUT HIM. That's all you get.
OOOOH YEAAAAH!! The holes in my ears are MOST DEFF at a size 4 right now. I'm staying here until I move out and then I'll be stretching them to double 0s...which is about 3 sized bigger than they are now. So they'll be lovely. I'll put more pics from this weekend on here.....after this weekend. <33333333