All prompts taken! Links to stories will be posted here as well as on the Master List (where they will be in chronological order).
So, we've got
these guys:
Who become
this guy (seeker epaulette optional).
And these prompts:
Angsty - claimed by
usemychopsticks 2.
At the Beach - claimed by
Bathtime - claimed by
Reading - claimed by
Caring - claimed by
macboris6. Dancing - claimed by
caia_comica 7. Daring - claimed by
spacehussy8. Disheveled - claimed by
lady_katana45449. Dominant - claimed by
lady_katana4544 and
antepathy 10. Drinking Energon - claimed by
usemychopsticks11. Excited - claimed by
ayngelcat12. Exhausted - claimed by
caia_comica13. Exploring - claimed by
Greedy - claimed by
mdperera15. Happy - claimed by
antepathy16. Horny - claimed by
macboris17. Jealous - claimed by
ayngelcat18. Kickass - claimed by
ayngelcat19. Naughty - claimed by
kyra_neko_rei20. Obedient - claimed by
On His Knees - claimed by
On Vacation - claimed by
caia_comica23. Playing with Kids - claimed by
naboru_narluin24. Silly - claimed by
lady_katana454425. Transforming - claimed by
eerian_sadow26. Turned On - claimed by
eaten_by_bears (Complete, but as it's a bonus scene for Chapter 16 of The Erotic Adventures of Mirrorverse!Vortex it'll take a while before it comes up on here).
Well-Shagged - claimed by
naboru_narluin (This is a multi-chapter darkfic, and it'll take a while to post all of it. The well-shagged prompt response is chapters 1-7, but the story continuies after).
28. In the rain - claimed by
therixkeycopy How it works:
You pick a prompt from the list above, and add either a non-Combaticon character, a setting, an object or an idea or whatever that you want to see included.
I'll then write some kind of drabble/story/novel/epic poem based on the prompts in your comment. It will focus on the Combaticons either individually or as a team. If you absolutely want the fic to contain a specific team member or their combined form, let me know.
If your reaction to slash is
similar to this, you absolutely must tell me in the comment.
If, however, your reaction to smut is a wholehearted 'yes please!', feel free to point that out, but you don't need to tell me ;)
I don't write sticky for this 'verse, just p'n'p (it's G1 cartoon continuity, so no sparks). Edit: if you want sticky, or if I feel like writing sticky, the fic might end up in the Decepticam AU instead ;) I think I have a good handle on who does and doesn't like sticky ;)
I write in haste and edit at leisure, hence it may well take me some time to get your prompt done.