Round two sign ups.

Dec 02, 2007 19:29

So we decided to have a second round here at lost_cast_lims. And we hope to see many of you participate again :D

- Please, read the rules before signing up.
- By signing up, you get one skip. However, you can earn one extra skip by promoting the community (except for in your userinfo - although you can do that, it won't earn you an extra skip, but it is very appreciated). Comment to the skip post (located here) with the link of your promotion.
- Comment here with your username and the magic word if you want to sign up!

1. amber_km - Disqualified for not entering challenge 5.
2. phistolemon_ - Disqualified for not entering challenge 5.
3. janie_tangerine - Eliminated in challenge 4. / Back into the round with the special challenge. / Eliminated in challenge 7.
4. imaginary_lives
5. lovebitee - Disqualified for not entering challenge 6.
6. birdcrap - Disqualified for not entering challenge 3.
7. lozzy_babe06 - Dropped out during challenge 5.
8. good_memories - Eliminated in challenge 8.
9. loving_w - Eliminated in challenge 1.
10. savvy_elf - Disqualified for not entering challenge 2.
11. roukinelj - Eliminated in challenge 4.
12. rateth - Eliminated in challenge 2.
13. evening_road - Eliminated in entering challenge 3.
14. losty_ville - Disqualified for not entering challenge 3.
15. lovepb - Disqualified for not entering challenge 2.
16. sifted - Eliminated in challenge 5.
17. viiviiana - Eliminated in challenge 2.
18. flo_83 - Eliminated in challenge 1.
19. green_queen
20. magicprophecy - Eliminated in challenge 6.
21. pendora_lass - Disqualified for not entering challenge 3.
22. overevery - Eliminated in challenge 3.
23. mer_moonchild - Eliminated in challenge 5.

Current participation count: 3

round #2, sign ups

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