challenge #38: text icons

May 06, 2008 11:58

I don't think it's ever been done so why not? For this challenge, you'll need to enter a text icon. You can have all the text you want as long as it's Lost related. From Sawyer quotes to your favorite pairing owns every other pairing ever to comments on episodes/actors/Darlton/whatever, everything is fine as long as your icon is Lost related. You can also have images in, whatever you like, also from Lost, as long as there's focus on the text (example: if you want to write that Sawyer quote about the hippie car and have the Dharma Van on your icon, that's absolutely fine). For any questions, drop me a comment!

So, shortly:

- You're allowed to enter up to four icons for this challenge;
- Your icon has to have text on it and be Lost-related;
- The text can be quotes from the show or comments from the writers or your own comments about the show or whatever you like.
- You can have images in, at your discretion.
- You have time to enter this challenge until Saturday May 10th at 10 AM UTC or around that time.

Have fun!

challenge #38

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