Ahhhh! Finished them already! Only got them Monday. (on about TP books, just to let you know) Squeeage of books and B'day below the cut. And Happy Bday to those who are celebrating today, tomorrow and the day after! *hands cake*
*headspazout* The books were amazing! But I'll squee about Bday first, so yeah. I had a lovely day, but my best friend was ill! And I wore the shirt she got me today and she wan't in again!
claw_ster get better! Now! *sends a get well glomp*
peacefulmoose made me a cake! A whole cake... and someone said, "Put your face in it Bob!" (Everyone calls me Bob at college) But I got the one who said it to act as our knife because we didn't have one! After college I had a nice quite night in with my family (and a piano lesson - but I got a present from my teacher, so it's all good! :P) Had fahijtas for tea and COFFEE CAKE! (Which I also had for breakfast this fair morn :P)
Now for the books! Well.. book. Third one - forgotten what happens, apart from Numair getting all protective of Daine and Lindhall suggesting to Daine that Numair loved her. Well, I do remember it.... but I would rather spaz out over the 4th. I've been waiting for the Daine/Numair get together since I was 14 - when I finished the first book! :P But anyway, the book was briliant as expected - and all the moments! *lesigh*
And I love it that it took Daine falling off a cliff for Numair to really think she'd died. She's died about three times, and that's just the first book! But still.... it was so sweet! I've read it about a million times - just that section. I know the page number, but I also know the Aly/Nawat Nawat's return page number too. Is that sad? lol Funnily enough, I don't know the first George/Alanna page number, lol.
I remembered something about book three! It really distressed me! Numair "died"! I knew he didn't because 1) I've read the later books, 2) It would have been unjustly evil and 3) My friend told me a few days ago about a review she saw when someone said, "I nearly cried when Numair neally died!" (which is a bad sentence, but oh well). But still! The distress, and no one would comfort me!
But ah! Daine/Numair. *squee*
She is such a spazend. In the Prolouge when the barriers collapse, all she has to say is (quoted from the book):
"The immortals - they'll be on us like a ton of bricks," she said, her voice matter-of-fact. "I'd best get up."
I read that and went... *Spazend!*
I think that's all I have to say... other than one last Daine/Numair squee....