Just Close Your Eyes And Tell

Apr 05, 2008 21:42

DW squeeage. Not at all coherant or sane.

OMG! Those fat babies! I want one. They were so cute! All squishy and cute; one waved to the Doctor and Donna. They were all jumpy. *sings Natasha Bedders (you want me to spell her surname?!) I wanna have your fat babies* Yes it works! *sings it some more*

Donna was very good. I'm glad there has been some character growth. And that window/mime/convo was classic. Very funny and I was just waiting for the *oo crap, they're watching* face. XD I think it is going to be a good partnership. All friendy and wahtnot, which is why the Beeb brought her back. Canna have another *omg I <3 the Doc*.

And yay Gramps! I was cheering when he saw the Blue Box. I was like yay! (In between screeching "The little fat babies!" with squidgeofdoom)

And, and and...! Rose! Wasn't expecting her until like one of the finale eps! That is a twisterooney. And the fadeyfadeyness. O.o

doctor who, squee

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