I couldn't have asked for a more perfect weekend to end my summer. I went down to Burlingame cause my parents went to a Bar Mitzvah and I got to stay with one of my camp friends. Her name is Eliza and she invited me cause shes gonna have a reunion for are whole bunk and even though I would miss anything to go to it, I am being forced to go to Indiana a day after my birthday for a wedding. To everyone from session 3 tawonga, I love you guy soooo much, even more than E.T. loves Jenny (heehee). Theres no words to describe how much I miss you guys.
Eliza and I had a great time and when I first got there we went together to get two new baby rats for her! I finially met someone who loves rats as much, if not more, than me. I am so happy : ) Getting the rats was a little tricky cause we had to go to the breeders house who happened to be an extreemly creepy 40 year old man. We were really scared cause this guy seemed really scary on the phone and when we got there he had what looked like secret cameras everywhere. It seemed like we were in there forever but it didnt matter how scary or creepy he was cause when we got to see the rats they were so perfect! He took such great care of these rats and even though its kind weird that a full grown man like him would spend all his time devoting himself to these rats, they were some of the most happy rats ive ever seen. We picked two very pretty hooded female babies who were so very cute. I was kinda relieved when we got out of there but I was so happy to have been able to go to get them with her. When we got home we played with them and started thinking of names. It took us a while but we finially came up with some names that fit them really well and that she liked. The one who is a little skinnier and has a lighter hood is Bitsy and the darker one is Button. She was excited about button cause she could nickname it butt and then call it tush : ) They are two of the cutest rats I have ever seen. They are so cuddly and sweet. I took some pictures of them and they came out really good:
The Top one is Bitsy and the bottom one is Button.
Button looking cute.
Bitsy hiding in her house.
Sisterly love.
The rest of the weekend we hung out, went swimming, and watched a really intense movie called Thirteen. The whole weekend was amazing. I wish I felt that way about every day this summer but im so glad my summer ended well. I hope everyone's summers were wonderful, Love always,
xoxo Jen