
Jan 29, 2009 22:10

Greetings and good evening from Ireland. (well it's evening here, almost 10:30pm)

Valentine's day is just around the corner. And of course so is my 3 year in-game binding anniversary with RavenBlack. (my birthday is this month too but I am not counting that) As many of you know, I always try to give out coins on special occassions and holidays. This is yet another one of those times where I give out coins again. But this time you folks will have to do something for me. Yeah, that's right, this time there's a catch. But it's a fun one.

I know that many of you folks out there are quite talented. So, this time it's going to be some sort of "talent show".

I often wondered what people would do for money. I've seen people do things they normally wouldn't do for a price. Check "Fear Factor" or "Estate of Panic" for example. But I am not going to ask people out there to do things like that. I want to be amused. So, amuse me and you'll get coins from me. [grin]

If you are good with Photoshop (and similar programs and applications), you can create images perhaps a banner or logo for Lost In Shadows. Or maybe your rendition of me (as Devil Miyu) and RavenBlack. Or something.

If you are good at singing, by all means, sing for me.

If you are good at creating funny comic strips or cartoons, or if you have a knack for creating videos, post it up on youtube and send it to me.

If you are good at writing stories, poetry or composing songs, go for it.

Hey, if you have an interesting tattoo you want to show off or if you have a birthmark that looks like Abe Lincoln (yeah the sight of that *might* amuse me) go ahead and show it.

If you have a goofy picture of yourself or a cute picture of your pet or a pretty picture of the sunset in your neck-o-the-woods, hey, I might be amused by that as well.

Bottom line is, the better your "entry" is, the more coins you'll get. Also, I will have others here vote on your submission. Yes, you can submit more than one entry, but no more than 4 entries in total.

All entries must be your original work. I don't want you to infringe on copyrighted material. Or steal someone else's intellectual property and such.

Things you can submit as your entry:

- Digital images
- Drawings and/or artwork
- Cartoon/comic strips
- Animation
- Poetry
- Stories
- Songs
- Videos (uploaded to youtube and created by you!)

Rules are simple:

1. This offer is for LiS members only.
You must be a member of this livejournal Lost In Shadows community.

2. You must post your submission on your own livejournal with a subject line that goes like this: "February Coin Giveaway Entry for (name of your vampire character here)". Comment to this post with the link to your post.

3. When writing RPs or stories, No RP-ing RavenBlack!
- No mentioning him
- No referring to him (directly or indirectly)

This is what RavenBlack himself said when I told him about this whole coin giveaway deal.

4. Entries must be submitted no later than Saturday, February 21st, 2009.
- Coins will be awarded and given out on February 28th, 2009.
- A time and place will be announced at a later date (from the date of this post) as to when and where you can collect your reward coins.

5. No pornographic material please.
I don't wanna see you nekkie!! I don't want to see your gramma nekkie either.
Or your neighbor or your neighbor's dog doing uhm...bow-chickah-mow-wow with
another neighbor's dog. I don't want to read about you and your other half doing
"the deed".....with the neighbor's dog. I will not be amused by that. Even though
I might be slightly amused at the lack of girth and length of...uhm....burrito. Small
bean and cheese burritos are slightly amusing. Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

6. Since it is my coins, I reserve the right to deny and/or reject any or all entries submitted by anyone without so much as giving reason or cause. Nyeeh! :p

7. This post will be updated and editted as often as needed. And the rules are subject to change at any given time.

Contest/thingiemuhjig starts uh....NOW!

That is all.


~Devil Miyu

contest, devil miyu

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