
Dec 03, 2004 15:09

wow, just when i think i found someone i actually like - everything gets screwed up.. its like - why can't i find somone i want to be with, and someone who wants to be with me. the one MAIN thing that screws me up is this person. i like - want to punch him in the face. lol, everytime i think we're done talking for good.. he turns around and says ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

lwdmb December 4 2004, 02:25:06 UTC
liz - they are just so obsessed i can't take it .. we're right ::snort:: OVER THERE!


hahahaha lost_in_yu December 4 2004, 14:28:57 UTC

lmfaoooooo... ::grunts:: sheesh .. i guess ... ::sigghhh:: we'll just have to go out ::sigh:: with them... i guesssss.



Heyyy missing_yu December 4 2004, 23:20:33 UTC
So whose this boy you like ;].


Re: Heyyy lost_in_yu December 6 2004, 03:03:44 UTC

haha its weird. i'm at that point where I like everyone.. haha. its like - there's one guy - and i like how he makes me laugh. then theres this other guy - and i like his looks. then there's this other guy - and i like how we're really good friends. and this other guy - we are like brother n sister.. and i like how i can be myself around him. and then there's this kid ican't seem to get over for some odd reason.. and yu know the deal... like, its all too confusing now. haha


Re: Heyyy missing_yu December 7 2004, 00:24:20 UTC
Haha. Well im shure if you picked any one of those guys, they would be lucky to have someone like you. Your deff. an amazing girl. So dont be afraid to go after the one yu feel is right for you ;] Good luck with that . <3yubye! =)


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